"Give My Regards to Reodoan"

From FFXI Wiki

"Give My Regards to Reodoan"

Key Item.png "Give My Regards to Reodoan"
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Type Description
Mog Garden A tale based off the legend of
Reodoan, who secretly worked to
save the dying forestry industry.
It follows a teenage lumberjack torn
between two loves: his forest and
his work. Older generations of
housewives swoon for the main
character, but pioneers who read it
report having the rank of their
Mog Garden grove increase by one.
Obtained from...
Name Zone Notes
Zenicca Western Adoulin (E-9) 1,000 Bayld
Skipper Moogle Port San d'Oria (I-8)
Port Bastok (J-11)
Port Windurst (C-8)
10,000 Gil
Used for...
Type of Event Name
Mog Garden Increases Arboreal Grove rank to level 2.
