Bringing Down the Mountain

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Bringing Down the Mountain
Required Fame Abyssea - Tahrongi Fame Level: 2
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Diegai (A) (H-7)/(I-7), Abyssea - Tahrongi
Pack Abyssea
Title None
Repeatable No
Description A young Galkan child fears for the safety and sanity of his friend and guardian. Seek out Baladanzo, who claims to have heard voices coming from the far side of an impassable rockslide...
Previous Quest Next Quest
None None
Gunpwdr. Swathe icon.png Gunpowder Swathe x10
500 Cruor per trade, 5,000 Cruor total


  • He will request another gunpowder until you trade the tenth, at which point the quest will complete.
  • You may return to Diegai (A) for an additional dialogue.