Curative Recantation

From FFXI Wiki
Job Trait Information
Description Grants a healing effect to Full Circle.
Type Merit
Job Geomancer
Merit Points
Group 2 Ranks Available 5
Effect of each Rank Increases amount of HP healed by 5 percent.

Equipment Modifying Ability...
Equipment Piece Modifier
Bagua Mitaines Augment-Icon.png: Enhances Curative Recantation by 2% per level.
Bagua Mitaines +1 Augment-Icon.png: Enhances Curative Recantation by 2% per level.
Bagua Mitaines +2 Augment-Icon.png: Enhances Curative Recantation by 2% per level.
Bagua Mitaines +3 Augment-Icon.png: Enhances Curative Recantation by 2% per level.
