I Dream of Mog Bonanza 2019

From FFXI Wiki
I Dream of Mog Bonanza 2019
Price: 2,000 gil per marble 
Marble sales period: Sunday, November 11, 2018 at 12:00 a.m. (PST) to Wednesday, December 12, 2018, at the same hour.
Winning numbers announced: Friday, January 11, 2019 at 12:00 a.m. (PST)
Collection period: Friday, January 11, 2019 at 12:00 a.m. (PST) to Thursday, January 31 at 6:59 a.m.
Winning Numbers (Last Digits):
Rank 1: 15319 (5 winners)
Rank 2: 9342 (78 winners)
Rank 3: 790 (798 winners)
Rank 4: 94 (8,311 winners)
Rank 5: 7 (84,639 winners)

See the Seasonal Event Page for a list of all past Mog Bonanzas

Rank 1
100,000,000 Gil
Kupon W-RMEA Kupon W-R90
Kupon W-E90 Kupon AW-GeIV
Kupon AW-Kupo Kupon A-Ab
Ebisu Fishing Rod Wailing Belt
Abdhaljs Tome Copy of "Judgment Day"
Moonbow Belt +1 Moonbow Whistle +1
Moonlight Nodowa Moonlight Ring
Moonlight Necklace Moonlight Cape
Rank 2
10,000,000 Gil
Kupon A-OmII Kupon I-AF119
Kupo Suit Kupo Masque
Kupo Rod Kupo Shield
10,000 Byne Bill Ranperre Goldpiece
Rimilala Stripeshell Bayld Crystal
Dense Cluster Cat's Eye
Opal Silk Saber Shoot
Kyrene's Earring Hypaspist Earring
Nicander's Necklace
Rank 3
1,000,000 Gil
Kupon AW-Om Kupon AW-Vgr
Kupon AW-VgrII Kupon W-Pulse
Kupon W-Job Kupon AW-Mis
Kupon AW-UWII Kupon A-DeII
Kupon W-DeIII Shaper's Shawl
Kupon I-RME Flamma Korazin +2
Tali'ah Manteel +2 Mummu Jacket +2
Ayanmo Corazza +2 Mallquis Saio +2
Lu Shang's Fishing Rod
Rank 4
Ochre Mog Pell Karakul Cap
Retching Helmet Gazer's Helmet
Curmudgeon's Helmet Onion Sword II
Demonic Axe Brave Blade II
Coffer (Boulder) Coffer (Pluton)
Coffer (Beitetsu) Mog Kupon AW-UW
Venus Orb Well
Aurum Coffer Beastmen's Medal
Kindred's Medal Demon's Medal
Rank 5
Kupon AW-Cos Promathian Tunes
Adoulinian Tunes Kupon I-Orche
Marble Mog Pell Chocobo Torque
Chocobo Rope Field Torque
Field Rope Prouesse Ring
Terminus Earring Liminus Earring
Copper Voucher Pelican Ring
Ambuscade Token: Body Ambuscade Voucher: Body
Abdhaljs Metal Abdhaljs Fiber
Mars Orb
Rank 6
Bonanza Biscuit