Ltng. Pendulum

From FFXI Wiki
(Redirected from Lightning Pendulum)
Ltng. Pendulum icon.png Lightning pendulum
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: A magic pendulum created by the Rhinostery. It is designed to swing when brought near a source of lightning elemental power.
Image: Ltng. Pendulum description.png
Type: Item
Flags: Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive, Rare
Stack size: 1
"Find Ltng. Pendulum on FFXIAH" "Find Ltng. Pendulum on FFXIDB"

Obtained From...
Quest Notes
Carbuncle Debacle Obtained from Ripapa during the quest Carbuncle Debacle

Used in the following Quests
Quest Name Notes
Carbuncle Debacle Used to enter the BCNM in Cloister of Storms