Mirror Images

From FFXI Wiki
Mirror Images
Required Fame
Level Restriction: Level 50
Starting NPC Luto Mewrilah, Upper Jeuno (G-8)
Pack None
Title None
Repeatable No
Description Save Palometa from her mysterious captor.
Previous Quest Next Quest
Blessed Radiance None
Familiarity Level of 85.
Increases Familiarity Limit to 120, unlocks Blessed Radiance skill.


  • Speak to Luto for a cutscene.
  • Head to Fei'Yin and enter Qu'Bia Arena at (K-8). Home Point #1 is the closest.

This is a Lv.50 capped fight against a single Dark Knight demon, Vassago. He has a very long melee delay, about 3,500 HP, and uses a unique move Blighted Gloom.

  • Recommend setting your fellow to Stalwart Shield, as it can tank and cure itself.
  • Blighted Gloom will always be preceded by a dialogue from your fellow: "Here it comes! Get back!." Turn and allow your fellow to get hate back.
    • Alternately, you can outrun it if you are have hate.
    • If your fellow is the target of Blighted Gloom, they will take 0 damage, and counter Vassago with Blessed Radiance for ~200 damage. Players will take moderate damage from Blighted Gloom.
  • Fight is fairly straightforward as long as your fellow is holding hate. You can keep them alive and let them do all the damage.

Once you defeat the demon, you will receive a cutscene.

  • Return to Luto for a cutscene.
  • Examine the door in Neptune's Spire for a long cutscene to complete the quest.