Mono Nchaa

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Mono Nchaa.png
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Location: Windurst Woods - (H-13)
Type: Shopkeepers
Description: One of many Vana'diel shopkeepers, carrying a variety of items. Browse merchandise below:

NPC Dialogue

Mono Nchaa: Huh...?
If you be wanting anything therrre, (player gender), then hurry up and decide, then get the heck out of herrre!

Item Name

Price (gil)


Shortbow 40 Windurst at least 2nd place in Conquest
Self Bow 493 Windurst at least 2nd place in Conquest
Wrapped Bow 7,286 Windurst at least 2nd place in Conquest
Light Crossbow 165 Windurst at least 2nd place in Conquest
Hawkeye 55 Windurst at least 2nd place in Conquest
Boomerang 1,610 Windurst at least 2nd place in Conquest
Wooden Arrow 3 Windurst at least 2nd place in Conquest
Bone Arrow 4
Crossbow Bolt 5
Ice Arrow 128 Windurst at least 2nd place in Conquest
Lightning Arrow 128 Windurst at least 2nd place in Conquest
Hunter's Prelude (Scroll) 2,649