Reap What You Sow

From FFXI Wiki
Reap What You Sow
Required Fame Windurst Fame Level: 1
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Mashuu-Ajuu, Windurst Waters North (K-6)
Pack None
Title None
Repeatable Yes
Description Mashuu-Ajuu wants help with his horticultural homework assignment. He asks that you use "Herb Seeds" to grow something that will impress his classmates, such as a "Sobbing Fungus."
Previous Quest Next Quest
None Let Sleeping Dogs Lie


  • Repeat attempts will not reward the Stationary Set.
  • Repeat attempts require trading a Sobbing Fungus.
  • You will not get any more Herb Seeds other than the first time.
  • If you set your home point to Windurst and have the appropriate Rhapsodies Key Item, this will only cost 160 by using a BLM Warp. Profiting 340 Gil each turn-in by buying the Sobbing Fungus from Soupox.