Talk:Yagrush (Level 90)

From FFXI Wiki


  • Level 99 WHM, Weakness + Erase = 22 second recast
  • Level 99 WHM, Weakness + Yagrush + Erase = 19 second recast
    • 19/30 = .6333 ; 20/30 = .6667

-25% was expected for the base, so this is more than +16 Fast Cast (-33%) but less than +24 (-37%). It seems probable that it is 20% Fast Cast. --Byrthnoth 14:42, 27 December 2011 (EST)

Aftermath Testing

  • Level 90 WHM vs. Ladybugs (at night) in Abyssea - Altepa :: 400 Acc gives the Low Evasion message for an EP one.
  • 200 TP - 380 Acc gives the Low Evasion message (Acc +20)
  • 296 TP - 361 Acc gives the Low Evasion message (Acc +39)
  • 265 TP - 367 Acc gives the Low Evasion message (Acc +33)

These are consistent with the formula I added to the main page. This is also assumed to be the formula for Level 85 Yagrush, as aftermath potency is not thought to change between 85 and 90. --Byrthnoth 16:06, 17 December 2012 (EST)