The Eleventh's Hour

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The Eleventh's Hour
Required Fame Bastok Fame Level: 3
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Elki - Bastok Mines (H-5)
Pack None
Title Pursuer of the Truth
Repeatable No
Description Elki wants you to find information regarding the identity of the eleventh Palborough Pioneer. You might be able to find some hints in the mines themselves.
Previous Quest Next Quest
Hearts of Mythril None
Small Sword icon.png Small Sword


  • Speak to Elki to start quest.
  • Travel to Palborough Mines and travel to the top floor via elevator. It will pop you out at (I-8). There are other ways of getting to the next (pos), so feel free to use your judgement and familiarity of the area, the point is to reach H-7 of the top floor map.
  • In the middle of H-7 and H-8 (theres a gate like wall there, next to the giant dirt mound), touch a targetable 'Old Toolbox' and obtain the Key Item Old toolbox.
  • Return to Elki and speak to him.
  • After the cutscene, speak to Babenn in Bastok Mines (J-6) to complete quest.