Attack Speed

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Revision as of 18:14, 24 May 2011 by Byrthnoth (talk | contribs)
Description:Increase in attack speed and reduction of recast timers.

Method of Affliction

Equipment Haste: Various Equipment, Catastrophe (~10%)
Magic Haste: Haste (~15%), Refueling, Hastega (~15%), Victory March (~11.5%), Advancing March (~9%), Animating Wail
Job Ability Haste: Hasso (~10%), Haste Samba (~10%), Last Resort w/ Desperate Blows (~5% per merit level)
Dual Wield: Traits, Equipment
Martial Arts: Traits, Equipment, Hundred Fists

Notes on Status Effect

Haste increases attack speed, and reduces casting/recasting times by a percentage that differs according to its source. The Haste spell, for example, has a value of approximately 15%. Using a 480-delay weapon (8 seconds per round) with the effect of Haste would change the attack speed to 85% of 480, or 408 (6.8 seconds per round). It is only "approximately", though, because some thorough testing of various equipment and spells has revealed that this Haste system is actually calculated on an X/1024 basis.


  • Take the 15% Haste in the previous example.
  • Now you want to represent it in binary in the computer program with a fairly short variable length that you can do quick, bitwise operations on, so you use a 10 bit variable.
  • If that the programmer assigning values to the equipment is unaware of exactly how the system works, or too lazy to find a closer approximation of the target value, they can just approximate 150/1000 = 15% and make the Haste value of Haste 150/1024 (14.68%) instead of something closer like 153/1024 (14.94%).
  • 480 Delay × (1024-150) ÷ 1024 = ~409 or 410 delay instead of the 408 predicted previously.
  • Because Haste doesn't give an exact potency message, it's impossible to draw conclusions like this from the spell. However, this hypothesis has been pretty well verified on gear

In general, the values assigned to equipment is lower than the description would indicate. Some exceptions include things like Rune Chopper (94/1024 = 9.2% Haste), which is higher. Overall, the assignment seems to generally follow the example above, with a trend towards lower values than expected. This is why people often claim you need 26% gear Haste to hit the 25% Haste cap.


Damage per second goes to infinity as Delay goes to 0, so Square has placed several caps on the Haste categories.
Equipment haste has its own cap of 25% (256/1024).
Magic haste caps at 43.3% (~444/1024).
Job abilities haste is the third and final category, and it also caps at 25% (256/1024).

In addition to this, there is a general 80% Delay reduction cap that was added to the game as delay-reducing options became more readily available. Before this, it was possible to attain Haste values up to 93.3%, as can be seen in the UNCTGTG's video below. All types of Delay Reduction fall under this cap, from Sword Strap to Martial Arts to Dual Wield. In order to calculate your current delay reduction (and how close you are to the cap), you need to determine your % delay by multiplying all your Delay reductions together.


  • For 30% Dual Wield, 26% Equipment Haste, 15% Magic Haste from Haste, 10% Job Ability Haste from Haste Samba:
    (1 - 30% Dual Wield)×(1024 - 256 Equipment Haste - 150 Magic Haste - 100 Job Ability Haste)÷1024 = 35.4% Delay remaining, or 64.6% Delay reduction

For Martial Arts, which is not a percentage-based decrease, you must use your Delay in the calculations instead of calculating it independent of delay as shown above. It is the same principle, though.

Removal of Status

The spell and ability effect can generally be cancelled; songs must be overwritten or expired.


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