Batcher's 99 WHM Gear Guide

From FFXI Wiki



Hi! My name is Batcher! I play on Asura Server and you may have seen me around! I like to help people and this guide is meant to serve as a goal for career white mages who intend to master white mage and play at an optimal level while still being conscious of their gear. Tremendous credit must go to Cronagh's On Healing Hands Guide and the rest of the FFXI community. This guide, while similar, will take a different approach to gear. I want to make sure I emphasize this is not a budget-guide or a BiS guide. This is how I gear my WHM. Let's just jump into it.

Regarding Subjobs, this guide will assume you are utilizing Scholar. I understand RDM/BLM/SMN/DNC all have different viabilities and uses, but for the sake of this guide we are going on the idea that you are playing a standard support role with an arsenal to ensure MP management and cure strength.

Note: Hover over augment icon to see which augments I recommend!

Gear Sets

Idle Max  
Malignance Pole icon.pngMalignance Pole description.png Mensch Strap +1 icon.pngMensch Strap +1 description.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Inyanga Tiara +2 icon.pngInyanga Tiara +2 description.png Wiglen Gorget icon.pngWiglen Gorget description.png Hearty Earring icon.pngHearty Earring description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Theo. Bliaut +3 icon.pngTheo. Bliaut +3 description.png Inyan. Dastanas +2 icon.pngInyan. Dastanas +2 description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png Inyanga Ring icon.pngInyanga Ring description.png
Alaunus's Cape icon.pngAlaunus's Cape description.png
Fucho-no-Obi icon.pngFucho-no-Obi description.png Inyanga Shalwar +2 icon.pngInyanga Shalwar +2 description.png Inyan. Crackows +2 icon.pngInyan. Crackows +2 description.png
-54% P.Dmg+8 Refresh
-49% M.Dmg+635 M.Ev

Idle Set Physical and Magical Damage taken has a cap of 50%. The "Damage Taken %" applies against this cap as well. Shellra V applies a maximum of -27.34% Magic Damage Taken (After merits), so you only need %22.66 via gear which is very easy with Inyanga. Finally, White Mage doesn't really need +refresh as much as we needed it in the past, but we can get a healthy +8 Refresh via gear.

I didn't differentiate a starter/mid set here because there really isn't a purpose for buying or spending time on niche pieces. If you already have pieces that have PDT, DT, MDT, or refresh, use that otherwise get the NQ versions of the pieces listed here and utilize a reforged body with at least +2 refresh until you can +2 the inyanga stuff.

Precast Max  
Grioavolr icon.pngGrioavolr description.png
Thrace Strap icon.pngThrace Strap description.png 32x32.png Hasty Pinion +1 icon.pngHasty Pinion +1 description.png
Nahtirah Hat icon.pngNahtirah Hat description.png Clr. Torque +2 icon.pngClr. Torque +2 description.png
Loquac. Earring icon.pngLoquac. Earring description.png Gifted Earring icon.pngGifted Earring description.png
Inyanga Jubbah +2 icon.pngInyanga Jubbah +2 description.png Gende. Gages +1 icon.pngGende. Gages +1 description.png Lebeche Ring icon.pngLebeche Ring description.png Veneficium Ring icon.pngVeneficium Ring description.png
Alaunus's Cape icon.pngAlaunus's Cape description.png
Witful Belt icon.pngWitful Belt description.png Aya. Cosciales +2 icon.pngAya. Cosciales +2 description.png Regal Pumps +1 icon.pngRegal Pumps +1 description.png
80% FastCast6% Quick
25% Haste

Precast Set The majority of guides will indicate a fast cast set, a recast set, a quick cast set and a cure casting time Set to accomplish specific actions. The following set is able to accomplish everything you need in those sets.

Cure Casting Time and Fast Cast all fall under the umbrella of the 80% gear cap. It is a 1% = 1% ratio so since we are able to hit our caps via this gear, we do not need it. That being said, as you build this set you can substitute any pieces of gear to hit your 25% Haste, 80% FC, and Quick Magic caps. Reference: Cronagh on CCT and FC.

I recommend you use this set for precast of all magic, and midcast it for Reraise, Arise/Raise and any other spell that you need to cast as soon as possible that doesn't depend on potency.

Cure Starter  
Iridal Staff icon.pngIridal Staff description.png Wizzan Grip icon.pngWizzan Grip description.png 32x32.png Mana Ampulla icon.pngMana Ampulla description.png
Vanya Hood icon.pngVanya Hood description.png
Cleric's Torque icon.pngCleric's Torque description.png Magnetic Earring icon.pngMagnetic Earring description.png Glorious Earring icon.pngGlorious Earring description.png
Ebers Bliaud icon.pngEbers Bliaud description.png Vanya Cuffs icon.pngVanya Cuffs description.png
Sirona's Ring icon.pngSirona's Ring description.png Ephedra Ring icon.pngEphedra Ring description.png
Alaunus's Cape icon.pngAlaunus's Cape description.png
Hachirin-no-Obi icon.pngHachirin-no-Obi description.png Ebers Pantaloons icon.pngEbers Pantaloons description.png Vanya Clogs icon.pngVanya Clogs description.png
52% Cure2% Cure II
+79 Healing-12 Enmity
Cure Max  
Chatoyant Staff icon.pngChatoyant Staff description.png Thrace Strap icon.pngThrace Strap description.png 32x32.png Pemphredo Tathlum icon.pngPemphredo Tathlum description.png
Kaykaus Mitra +1 icon.pngKaykaus Mitra +1 description.png
Clr. Torque +2 icon.pngClr. Torque +2 description.png Magnetic Earring icon.pngMagnetic Earring description.png Glorious Earring icon.pngGlorious Earring description.png
Ebers Bliaud +1 icon.pngEbers Bliaud +1 description.png Theophany Mitts +3 icon.pngTheophany Mitts +3 description.png Jann. Ring +1 icon.pngJann. Ring +1 description.png Mediator's Ring icon.pngMediator's Ring description.png
Alaunus's Cape icon.pngAlaunus's Cape description.png
Hachirin-no-Obi icon.pngHachirin-no-Obi description.png Ebers Pant. +1 icon.pngEbers Pant. +1 description.png Kaykaus Boots +1 icon.pngKaykaus Boots +1 description.png
51% Cure14% Cure II
+61 Healing-61 Enmity

Cure Set Cure Potency has a 50% cap from gear. Cure Potency II likely has a cap, but its unreachable at this time (Maybe 50%?). The cure potency job gifts do not add potency % but instead increase your overall "cure power", so you still need 50% cure potency through gear. Healing Magic caps at 500. With a 424 skill cap and 26 points via Job Points Gifts, you need only +50 Healing Magic via gear to reach the cap.

The benefits of the buffs to Afflatus Solace via this gear is incredibly important. It buffs the Stoneskin effect that gets placed on players and trumps any other piece of gear we would put in that slot so make sure to get the Alaunus's Cape and Ebers Bliaud ASAP.

With Scholar as a subjob, you gain access to Aurorastorm. This spell creates light weather around you and your party called 'Auroras'. This effect normally means that you have a -chance- to gain a 10% cure potency above the 50% cap. The Hachirin-no-Obi ensures this effect is 100%. The Chatoyant Staff adds an additional 10% cure potency that the obi now guarantees giving you a whopping 15% above the existing 50% cap making this the ideal curing set.

Curaga Starter  
Iridal Staff icon.pngIridal Staff description.png Wizzan Grip icon.pngWizzan Grip description.png 32x32.png Mana Ampulla icon.pngMana Ampulla description.png
Vanya Hood icon.pngVanya Hood description.png
Cleric's Torque icon.pngCleric's Torque description.png Nourish. Earring +1 icon.pngNourish. Earring +1 description.png Glorious Earring icon.pngGlorious Earring description.png
Theo. Bliaut icon.pngTheo. Bliaut description.png Theophany Mitts icon.pngTheophany Mitts description.png Sirona's Ring icon.pngSirona's Ring description.png Ephedra Ring icon.pngEphedra Ring description.png
Twilight Cape icon.pngTwilight Cape description.png Hachirin-no-Obi icon.pngHachirin-no-Obi description.png Ebers Pantaloons icon.pngEbers Pantaloons description.png Vanya Clogs icon.pngVanya Clogs description.png
50% Cure22% Cure II
+44 Healing-34 Enmity
Curaga Max  
Chatoyant Staff icon.pngChatoyant Staff description.png Enki Strap icon.pngEnki Strap description.png 32x32.png Hydrocera icon.pngHydrocera description.png
Kaykaus Mitra +1 icon.pngKaykaus Mitra +1 description.png
Clr. Torque +2 icon.pngClr. Torque +2 description.png Nourish. Earring +1 icon.pngNourish. Earring +1 description.png Glorious Earring icon.pngGlorious Earring description.png
Theo. Bliaut +3 icon.pngTheo. Bliaut +3 description.png Theophany Mitts +3 icon.pngTheophany Mitts +3 description.png Jann. Ring +1 icon.pngJann. Ring +1 description.png Mediator's Ring icon.pngMediator's Ring description.png
Twilight Cape icon.pngTwilight Cape description.png Hachirin-no-Obi icon.pngHachirin-no-Obi description.png Ebers Pant. +1 icon.pngEbers Pant. +1 description.png Kaykaus Boots +1 icon.pngKaykaus Boots +1 description.png
49% Cure22% Cure II
+37 Healing-74 Enmity

Curaga Cure Swap Curaga is a very curious spell. It utilizes the old cure formula so while single target cures benefit from extra healing magic skill (1:1 power), curagas get more from MND (1:3 power), so its important to stack MND/VIT in places where you can afford to lose some cure potency (never go under cap). Additionally, because Curagas dont apply stoneskins via Afflatus Solace, the following set removes the afflatus solace pieces and instead utilizes pieces that pump MND + Cure Potency II.

-NA + Erase  
Yagrush (Level 119 III) icon.pngYagrush (Level 119 III) description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png Ebers Mitts +1 icon.pngEbers Mitts +1 description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Mending Cape icon.pngMending Cape description.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png

Status Cleanse Set

Get a Yagrush. Any 119 content is inevitably going to be full of AoE debuffs and going 1 by 1 or relying on Divine Seal every few minutes is simply impractical. A Yagrush ensures that EVERY -NA spell and Erase is performed on all nearby targets. Every. Single. Time.

Seriously... Get a Yagrush.

The good news is that the 75 version is all you REALLY need, and every upgrade after is just icing on the cake. So get to doing Nyzul and dont forget to rank up with Naja! The other pieces are responsible for increasing the chance of the "Divine Caress" ability which makes your -na spells give a "buff" against being inflicted by the same debuff for x amount of time.

Ashitacast/Gearswap: Midcast this set into your -na and erase spells (Excluding Cursna, see the other section. Additionally, make sure you set your Precast/FastCast set to be the baseset of this set. Theres an argument to be made that it is better to stack ConserveMP over Recast/speed of cast, but I hold firm that having the ability to cast quickly in dangerous situations is the better move.

Gada icon.pngGada description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Kaykaus Mitra +1 icon.pngKaykaus Mitra +1 description.png
Debilis Medallion icon.pngDebilis Medallion description.png Beatific Earring icon.pngBeatific Earring description.png Healing Earring icon.pngHealing Earring description.png
Ebers Bliaud +1 icon.pngEbers Bliaud +1 description.png Fanatic Gloves icon.pngFanatic Gloves description.png
Haoma's Ring icon.pngHaoma's Ring description.png Haoma's Ring icon.pngHaoma's Ring description.png
Alaunus's Cape icon.pngAlaunus's Cape description.png
Bishop's Sash icon.pngBishop's Sash description.png Th. Pant. +3 icon.pngTh. Pant. +3 description.png Gende. Galosh. +1 icon.pngGende. Galosh. +1 description.png

Cursna Set

In 2016, SE Confirmed that Cursna has a 26% success rate with 500 Healing Magic Skill and subsequent points above 500 help the success rate. As such, we need to pump as much healing magic skill as possible. The only concession I am making here is using Kaykaus Mitra +1 instead of Vanya head with augments. We are talking 4 Healing Magic Skill for a piece of gear we ONLY use for this, so I think its a fair trade for inventory space.

The BiS item here is Gambanteinn with its +100 Cursna. I honestly don't see any but the most senior of white mages taking the time to build this AND yagrush, so using Gada is just fine. However, if you have reached the pinnacle of your gear, then this is the final goal for you.

Ashitacast/Gearswap: Midcast this set into your Cursna spellcast.

Gada icon.pngGada description.png
Ammurapi Shield icon.pngAmmurapi Shield description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Telchine Cap icon.pngTelchine Cap description.png
Incanter's Torque icon.pngIncanter's Torque description.png Mimir Earring icon.pngMimir Earring description.png 32x32.png
Telchine Chas. icon.pngTelchine Chas. description.png
Telchine Gloves icon.pngTelchine Gloves description.png
Stikini Ring +1 icon.pngStikini Ring +1 description.png Stikini Ring +1 icon.pngStikini Ring +1 description.png
32x32.png Embla Sash icon.pngEmbla Sash description.png Telchine Braconi icon.pngTelchine Braconi description.png
Theo. Duckbills +3 icon.pngTheo. Duckbills +3 description.png

Set Goals

  • +80 Enhancement Magic
  • 65% Enhancement Duration

Enhancement Set

White Mage has a base C+ Enhancement Magic Skill. With Scholar's Light Arts, we are able to push it to B+ and as 420, we only need +80 Enhancement Magic Skill to cap. The following set will serve as the baseset for all enhancement related sets (Regen, Bars, Boosts, etc) so don't freak out that the other sets don't include key pieces as they already exist here.

Besides hitting the cap, this set focuses on extending the length of enhancement buffs. 5min Hastes, 50min prot/shell, 5min regens are no joke. We also sprinkle some conserveMP in here as a lot of these buffs sometimes get executed alongside Accession.

Ashitacast/Gearswap: Within Ashitacast/GearSwap, make this set be the baseset for the spell-specific sets below, otherwise midcast this set for all your other enhancing magic. The notable exception here is Haste, as it does not benefit from potency as such you are better off midcasting it with your precast/recast set to ensure you can cast it as soon as possible.

Bolelabunga icon.pngBolelabunga description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Inyanga Tiara +2 icon.pngInyanga Tiara +2 description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Piety Briault +3 icon.pngPiety Briault +3 description.png Ebers Mitts +1 icon.pngEbers Mitts +1 description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png Th. Pant. +3 icon.pngTh. Pant. +3 description.png 32x32.png
Beneficus icon.pngBeneficus description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Ebers Cap +1 icon.pngEbers Cap +1 description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Ebers Bliaud +1 icon.pngEbers Bliaud +1 description.png Ebers Mitts +1 icon.pngEbers Mitts +1 description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png Piety Pantaln. +3 icon.pngPiety Pantaln. +3 description.png Ebers Duckbills +1 icon.pngEbers Duckbills +1 description.png
Protectra V  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Piety Duckbills +3 icon.pngPiety Duckbills +3 description.png
Shellra V  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png Piety Pantaln. +3 icon.pngPiety Pantaln. +3 description.png 32x32.png

Spell-Specific Enhancement Set

Ashitacast/Gearswap: Midcast these sets for the specific spells. Make special note that only bar elemental spells like barwatera and barfira are affected by the bar set, for things like barparalyzra, just use the base enhancement set.

Grioavolr icon.pngGrioavolr description.png Enki Strap icon.pngEnki Strap description.png 32x32.png Hydrocera icon.pngHydrocera description.png
Inyanga Tiara +2 icon.pngInyanga Tiara +2 description.png Incanter's Torque icon.pngIncanter's Torque description.png Digni. Earring icon.pngDigni. Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Theo. Briault +3 icon.pngTheo. Briault +3 description.png Theophany Mitts +3 icon.pngTheophany Mitts +3 description.png Stikini Ring +1 icon.pngStikini Ring +1 description.png Stikini Ring +1 icon.pngStikini Ring +1 description.png
Alaunus's Cape icon.pngAlaunus's Cape description.png
Luminary Sash icon.pngLuminary Sash description.png Th. Pant. +3 icon.pngTh. Pant. +3 description.png Theo. Duckbills +3 icon.pngTheo. Duckbills +3 description.png

Enfeebling Set

Again, most guides will indicate you have a Divine Set, a MND set, and an INT set. You are welcome to do this but since I created this build, I have not found a need. This set focuses on getting as much enfeebling skill, magic acc, and MND/INT as possible.

Ashitacast/Gearswap: Midcast this set into your enfeebling and divine spells with the exception of repose and flash. For those, you should midcast your fastcast set.