Hundred Fists

From FFXI Wiki
Revision as of 00:32, 17 December 2011 by Byrthnoth (talk | contribs)

A secret technique that pummels through the enemies defenses with repeated blows that are quicker than the eye can follow. It can even be used while wielding a club or staff.

Job Ability Information
Job Monk
Type Two Hour
Description Speeds up Attacks.
Duration 00:00:45
Recast 02:00:00
Cumulative Enmity 1 Volatile Enmity 300
Command /ja "Hundred Fists" <me>


  • Approximately caps delay reduction (Base Delay -80%)
  • Works with any weapon a monk can equip.
  • If any Job Abilities, items, or ranged weapons are used, or spells cast, by a Monk while under the Hundred Fists effect it will be interrupted - there will be one "round" of normal-delay attacks before the ability takes effect again.
  • Forces fist-based attacking even if Footwork is up.


Equipment Modifying Ability...
Equipment Piece Modifier
Melee Hose +2 AugRank.png: Enhancement unknown.
