Skill Caps/Ranger

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= Only available with a capable job set as your subjob.
= Only available with Ranger or other capable job set as your main job.
= Acquired from Weapon Skill Quest at Level 71+.
= Acquired from Merit Weapon Skill at 357 or higher with the quest Martial Mastery completed.

Archery, Marksmanship
Dagger, Axe
Weapon Skill
1 6 5 4 4 Flaming Arrow, Hot Shot, Wasp Sting, Raging Axe
2 9 7 6 6 Fast Blade, Shining Strike
3 12 10 9 9
4 15 13 12 11
5 18 16 14 14
6 21 19 17 16
7 24 22 20 19
8 27 25 22 21
9 30 28 25 24
10 33 31 28 26
11 36 34 31 29 Burning Blade
12 39 36 33 21
13 42 39 36 34 Piercing Arrow, Split Shot
14 45 42 39 36 Gust Slash, Smash Axe
15 48 45 41 39
16 51 48 44 41 Seraph Strike
17 54 51 47 44
18 57 54 49 46
19 60 57 52 49 Red Lotus Blade
20 63 60 55 51
21 66 63 58 54
22 69 65 60 56
23 72 68 63 59
24 75 71 66 60 Shadow Stitch, Gale Axe
25 78 74 68 64
26 81 77 71 66 Dulling Arrow, Sniper Shot
27 84 80 74 69
28 87 83 76 71 Flat Blade, Brainshaker
29 90 86 79 74
30 93 89 82 76
31 96 92 85 79
32 99 94 87 81
33 102 97 90 84
34 105 100 93 86 Viper Bite, Avalanche Axe
35 108 103 95 89
36 111 106 98 91
37 114 109 101 94 Shining Blade
38 117 112 103 96
39 120 115 106 99
40 123 118 109 101 Starlight
41 126 121 112 104
42 129 123 114 106
43 132 126 117 109 Cyclone
44 135 129 120 111
45 138 132 122 114
46 141 135 125 116 Seraph Blade
47 144 138 128 119
48 147 141 130 121
49 150 144 133 124
50 153 147 136 126 Moonlight
51 158 151 140 130 Energy Steal, Spinning Axe
52 163 156 145 135
53 168 161 150 139 Circle Blade
54 173 166 154 144
55 178 171 159 148 Sidewinder, Slug Shot
56 183 176 164 153 Energy Drain, Rampage, Skullbreaker
57 188 181 168 157
58 193 186 173 162
59 198 191 178 166 Spirits Within
60 203 196 183 171 Blast Arrow, Blast Shot
61 207 198 184 172
62 211 201 186 174
63 215 204 188 176 True Strike
64 219 206 190 178
65 223 209 192 180
66 227 212 194 182 Arching Arrow, Heavy Shot
67 231 214 195 184
68 235 217 197 186
69 239 220 199 188
70 244 223 201 190 Vorpal Blade
71 249 226 203 192
72 254 229 205 194 Empyreal Arrow, Detonator
73 259 232 207 196 Evisceration
74 264 236 208 198
75 269 240 210 200 Decimation, Judgment
76 274 245 214 203
77 279 250 218 206
78 284 255 222 209
79 289 260 226 212
80 294 265 230 215 Refulgent Arrow, Numbing Shot
81 300 271 235 219
82 306 277 240 223
83 312 283 245 227
84 318 289 250 231
85 324 295 255 235 Aeolian Edge, Bora Axe
86 330 301 260 239
87 336 307 265 243
88 342 313 270 247
89 348 319 275 251
90 354 325 280 255
91 361 332 286 260 Apex Arrow, Last Stand
92 368 339 292 265
93 375 346 298 270
94 382 353 304 275
95 389 360 310 280 Exenterator, Ruinator
96 396 367 316 285
97 403 374 322 290 Flash Nova
98 410 381 328 295
99 417 388 334 300