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Idle Set

Gridarvor icon.pngGridarvor description.png
Oneiros Grip icon.pngOneiros Grip description.png 32x32.png Sancus Sachet icon.pngSancus Sachet description.png
Beckoner's Horn +1 icon.pngBeckoner's Horn +1 description.png Caller's Pendant icon.pngCaller's Pendant description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Evans Earring icon.pngEvans Earring description.png
Apogee Dalmatica icon.pngApogee Dalmatica description.png
Glyphic Bracers +1 icon.pngGlyphic Bracers +1 description.png Evoker's Ring icon.pngEvoker's Ring description.png Speaker's Ring icon.pngSpeaker's Ring description.png
Campestres's Cape icon.pngCampestres's Cape description.png
Klouskap Sash icon.pngKlouskap Sash description.png Assid. Pants +1 icon.pngAssid. Pants +1 description.png Apogee Pumps icon.pngApogee Pumps description.png

Refresh: 10~11/tic resting; 9~10/tic w/Avatar
Skill: +81 (537Total) Favor: 512Tier+4
Perp: -19 (-14cap)

Converted HP: +230
DT: -3%
Accuracy: +183
Haste: +24%
"Double Attack": +15%
Regain: 25/tic

I've always been a proponent for idling in Caller's PendantCaller's Pendant description.png, because the regain has always "charged up" your magical Blood Pacts. But now that Physical Blood Pacts also consume TP[1], it's an even more important effect to have. So don't use some other necklace! The regain from Caller's Pendant is just too important, even more so now!
The reason for Evans EarringEvans Earring description.png and Speaker's RingSpeaker's Ring description.png is simple: there's not a whole bunch else. Etiolation EarringEtiolation Earring description.png is a decent option, it matches Evans' for the most MP available in that slot... with a touch of MDT to boot! So if your Moonshade is taken, it would make a good replacement. (And it has a chunk of HP bonus to help mitigate Apogee's substantial bite out of yours.) And if you can't get one of those, your best alternative to a Moonshade is probably Enmerkar EarringEnmerkar Earring description.png. Accuracy and "Store TP" all in sizeable amounts and all in one slot? Superb. And now that Physical BPs can't charge up your TP[2], that Store TP became much more worthwhile. It even has a touch more of DT on top of all that.
If you have the money for it, a Stikini Ring +1Stikini Ring +1 description.png would be best in lieu of Speaker's. But any large MP ring would be better than the NQ StikiniStikini Ring description.png. There's so many to choose from, anything with ≥40 MP would work. I chose to use Speaker's because... Resist amnesia. It's not much... but it's something at least. Plus, unlike some of the larger MP rings, Speaker's doesn't reduce your already paltry HP further than it already is being reduced thanks to Apogee. I wouldn't recommend Thurandaut RingThurandaut Ring description.png for your Adoulin Ring choice... as there are better options, dependent on the other jobs you may have. But if you're also a PUP and/or BST, you'll probably want that one, so use it here too.
The new Tali'ah Crackows +1Tali'ah Crackows +1 description.png are a very tempting piece to have here. Large Haste and massive Accuracy, both for your Avatar and you! But... they kinda only work if you have a NirvanaNirvana (Level 119) description.png. What I mean by that is, in order to maintain perp with this set, a Nirvana owner has exactly -14, the cap, without Apogee Pumps.
But someone with only a GridarvorGridarvor description.png will find themselves struggling a little to find the perp and maintain the above skill and refresh all at once. But there are almost equivalent items. For the cost of 1MP/tic, you can cap perp with a well augmented Hagondes Coat +1Hagondes Coat +1 description.png. You'll need at least a -3 for a perp augment, which Hagondes can get up to -5.
Perhaps with the RF2~3+3s that are on the way, there will be a set up with them that favors a Gridarvor owner more, but until we see, just slip the Crackows for now. Furthermore, the Nirvana owner benefits the most from the Haste, as with the set above, they would only have 21%.
You may be tempted by the RF1+3 pieces of Convoker's Horn +3Convoker's Horn +3 description.png and Convoker's Bracers +3Convo. Bracers +3 description.png... but Truth be told, they aren't really worth the excess inventory and loss of Favor tiers. Sure Favor may not be a huge boon, but 512+4 is currently the second best you can do... and dropping 3~4 levels of Favor just for a minimal increase in the already pathetic white damage... Not worth the bother of devoting Omen time for it.
However, if you're a Nirvana owner, the Convoker's Bracers +3Convo. Bracers +3 description.png offers similar accuracy as Glyphic Bracers +1Glyphic Bracers +1 description.png as well as giving the Nirvana owner almost as much Double Attack as the Gridarvor.

Fast Cast Set

Grioavolr icon.pngGrioavolr description.png Clerisy Strap icon.pngClerisy Strap description.png 32x32.png Impatiens icon.pngImpatiens description.png
Amalric Coif icon.pngAmalric Coif description.png
Voltsurge Torque icon.pngVoltsurge Torque description.png 32x32.png Loquac. Earring icon.pngLoquac. Earring description.png
Inyanga Jubbah +1 icon.pngInyanga Jubbah +1 description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Kishar Ring icon.pngKishar Ring description.png
Campestres's Cape icon.pngCampestres's Cape description.png
Witful Belt icon.pngWitful Belt description.png Psycloth Lappas icon.pngPsycloth Lappas description.png
Regal Pumps +1 icon.pngRegal Pumps +1 description.png

"Fast Cast": +66% (80%Total)
"Quick Magic": +5%

5/5 Merits  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Impatiens icon.pngImpatiens description.png
Amalric Coif icon.pngAmalric Coif description.png
Voltsurge Torque icon.pngVoltsurge Torque description.png 32x32.png Loquac. Earring icon.pngLoquac. Earring description.png
Inyanga Jubbah +1 icon.pngInyanga Jubbah +1 description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Campestres's Cape icon.pngCampestres's Cape description.png
Witful Belt icon.pngWitful Belt description.png Psycloth Lappas icon.pngPsycloth Lappas description.png
Regal Pumps +1 icon.pngRegal Pumps +1 description.png

"Fast Cast": +56% (80%Total)
"Quick Magic": +5%

/RDM + 5/5 Merits  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Impatiens icon.pngImpatiens description.png
32x32.png Voltsurge Torque icon.pngVoltsurge Torque description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Inyanga Jubbah +1 icon.pngInyanga Jubbah +1 description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Kishar Ring icon.pngKishar Ring description.png
Campestres's Cape icon.pngCampestres's Cape description.png
Witful Belt icon.pngWitful Belt description.png 32x32.png Regal Pumps +1 icon.pngRegal Pumps +1 description.png

"Fast Cast": +41% (80%Total)
"Quick Magic": +5%

Here is where I'm going to be the most demanding of you.... For I'm going to ask that you... do simple arithmetic. Because, as you can see, I have not given you an example of a FC set for /WHM or /SCH. This is namely because, just look at /RDM's set.
There's essentially only four open spaces (which makes you lose the ImpatiensImpatiens description.png's protection and "Quick Magic"+2%), and all four are only going to give you FC+2% at most each. Which means that even with the four FC items for those slots: Magavan MittsMagavan Mitts description.png/Repartie GlovesRepartie Gloves description.png, Enchanter Earring +1Enchntr. Earring +1 description.png, Prolix RingProlix Ring description.png/Rahab RingRahab Ring description.png, and Sapience OrbSapience Orb description.png; you're only going to have 74% "Fast Cast" on /WHM and /SCH. This is one of the many reasons why I personally prefer /RDM over those, but feel free to work with whichever subjob you feel the most comfortable using. And also, at 74% FC, your summons will take just slightly under 2s to summon... so... not that different from /RDM's 1.4s.

And as mentioned above, if for some reason you can't get a GrioavolrGrioavolr description.png, Nibiru StaffNibiru Staff description.png has the same "Fast Cast" and is much easier to come by.
As you can see, 5/5 Casting Time Merits really frees up a LOT of space in this set. And /RDM in addition to that allows you the most freedom of gear. Ideally, you will want to fill any open spaces with "Quick Magic" options. A popular choice for Adoulin Rings is one such option: Weatherspoon RingWeather. Ring description.png. Not only does it have "Quick Magic", but it also has the most FC available in the ring slot. Furthermore, Weatherspoon is one of the best Adoulin Rings because of how ubiquitously helpful it is for so many jobs. Even SMN doubly benefits from it, as not only is it an ideal piece for your FC set... but as it is one of the only nonstaff sources for Element: Light Magic Affinity, it is a powerful ring choice for Summoner's Mythic Weapon Skill: Garland of Bliss. This is because the Element: Light Maff+10% is multiplicative with MAB, not additive; making it one of the best rings for Element: LightMagical Damage Weapon Skills.

Another good thing about most of these pieces are that should you be a RDM/SCH/GEO that stuns, much of these sets you'll be after as things like Amalric CoifAmalric Coif description.png and Psycloth LappasPsycloth Lappas description.png are "Best in Slot" for Stun due to their high "Fast Cast" and Magic Accuracy stats.

Blood Pact Delay Set

32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Sancus Sachet icon.pngSancus Sachet description.png
Beckoner's Horn +1 icon.pngBeckoner's Horn +1 description.png Caller's Pendant icon.pngCaller's Pendant description.png Smn. Earring icon.pngSmn. Earring description.png Andoaa Earring icon.pngAndoaa Earring description.png
Con. Doublet +3 icon.pngCon. Doublet +3 description.png Glyphic Bracers +1 icon.pngGlyphic Bracers +1 description.png Evoker's Ring icon.pngEvoker's Ring description.png Stikini Ring icon.pngStikini Ring description.png
32x32.png Kobo Obi icon.pngKobo Obi description.png Beck. Spats +1 icon.pngBeck. Spats +1 description.png Apogee Pumps icon.pngApogee Pumps description.png

Skill: +107 (563Total 512Tier+4) -8sFavor
BPdelayI: -21s (-15scap)
BPdelayII: -6s
BPdelayIII: -10s

Total: -38s

You might be wondering why I put so much skill here, it's very simple: When you hit 2000JP, you'll get an extra 13 skill. Which will bring the total skill in this set up to 576, making the total Favor tier: 575+4, the current maximum. Now you may be wondering why I posit to do this. Especially when I have made no qualms about pointing out that the last two Favor tiers don't reduce delay by 2s. So a tier of 512+3 = 575+4, any more tiers currently will not reduce delay further. However, with the RF+2~3s on the way... it's very likely that Beckoner's Horn +3 will increase total Favor tiers to the point where the maximum -10s becomes available. Furthermore, it's been discovered that there is a higher skill tier at 670... However, with current gear, reaching that skill level... as well as keeping BPdelay capped... as well as using Beckoner's Horn +1Beckoner's Horn +1 description.png to overcharge Favor with +4 more tiers... is not possible.
And with that being said, a 670+1 tier is only equal to 512+3. Which is 2 less skill tiers than 575+4. But who knows what the future holds, we will possibly need that 670 skill to cap the promised -10s delay, but for now, this is the best we can do.
You may have also noticed that I don't use either the grip slot, nor the back slot to reach "575". The grip is because a Nirvana owner may be using this guide, and losing their AM3 from swapping grips would be a bad idea... and if you're really serious about SMN... Nirvana should be what you aspire to.
As for the back slot... some people think that deleveling your avatar (from removing Campestres's CapeCampestres's Cape description.png) is no big deal. I disagree. While it's not the pathetic amount of HP loss that is damning... it's the DEF, Evasion, and Magic Evasion loss that hurt. And honestly... why tempt fate? It seems rather dumb to lose a level when you don't have to.
Finally, as with the Alexander Set, Lucidity SashLucidity Sash description.png makes a good replacement as it only has 1 less skill... Should you be unable to have a group that is able to beat Seiryu in Escha Ru'Aun, Lucidity Sash's NM is fairly easy to "solo" on SMN.