Bhaflau Remnants

From FFXI Wiki
Bhaflau Remnants Guide

Equipment Chart

Equipment Chart
Armor Set Lv35 Lv25 Lv15
Ares' Armor Set Deimos's Gauntlets
Low chance from Colibri, Higher chance from Zebra Zachary, 3rd Floor Rampart
Phobos's Cuirass & Phobos's Mask
Long-Bowed Chariot, Boss Floor
Enyo's Leggings
All monsters
Marduk's Attire Set Enlil's Brayettes
Low chance from Chigoe, Higher chance from Gate Widow, 1st Floor Rampart
Low chance from Tragopan, Higher chance from Peryton, 4th Floor Rampart
Ea's Dastanas
Long-Bowed Chariot, Boss Floor
Anu's Tiara
All monsters
Anu's Doublet
Demented Jalaawa, 3rd Floor (Slot NM)
Skadi's Attire Set Freya's Jerkin
Low chance from Tragopan, Higher chance from Peryton, 4th Floor Rampart
Freya's Mask
Low chance from Hunting Wasp, Higher chance from Skirmish Pephredo, 2nd Floor Rampart
Low chance from Colibri, Higher chance from Zebra Zachary, 3rd Floor Rampart
Freyr's Ledelsens
Long-Bowed Chariot, Boss Floor
Njord's Trousers
All monsters
Morrigan's Attire Set Macha's Cuffs
Low chance from Chigoe, Higher chance from Gate Widow, 1st Floor Rampart
Bodb's Crown & Bodb's Robe
Long-Bowed Chariot, Boss Floor
Nemain's Sabots
All monsters
Usukane Armor Set Hikazu Sune-Ate
Low chance from Hunting Wasp, Higher chance from Skirmish Pephredo, 2nd Floor Rampart
Tsukikazu Haidate
Long-Bowed Chariot, Boss Floor
Hoshikazu Tekko
All monsters

First Floor

1F Cell Drops (West Path)
Enemies Cell
Bifrons Incus Cell, Duplicatus Cell, Humilus Cell,
Spissatus Cell
Wamouracampa Undulatus Cell, Castellanus Cell, Virga Cell,
Cumulus Cell, Radiatus Cell, Cirrocumulus Cell, Stratus Cell
Troll Ironworker (WAR),
Troll Lapidarist (DRK)
Incus Cell, Duplicatus Cell, Humilus Cell,
Spissatus Cell
Wandering Wamoura Opacus Cell, Praecipitatio Cell
1F Cell Drops (East Path)
Enemies Cell
Bifrons Incus Cell, Duplicatus Cell, Humilus Cell,
Spissatus Cell
Carmine Eruca Pannus Cell, Fractus Cell, Congestus Cell,
Nimbus Cell, Velum Cell, Pileus Cell, Mediocris Cell
Troll Ironworker (WAR),
Troll Gemologist (PLD)
Incus Cell, Duplicatus Cell, Humilus Cell,
Spissatus Cell
Sulfur Scorpion Opacus Cell, Praecipitatio Cell

Bhaflau Remnants 1F

Central Start Room

  • The initial Armory Crate appears in this room.
  • From this room either the West or East path may be taken. Once a door to one of the paths is opened, the other will lock.

West Path

East Path


  • The door leading to the opposite side of the Remnant from the one chosen in the Central Start Room will always be locked.

Second Floor

2F Cell Drops (Central Area)
Enemies Cell
Empathic Flan Opacus Cell, Praecipitatio Cell

2F Cell Drops (West Area)
2F Cell Drops (West Central Area)
Enemies Cell
Wandering Wamoura,
Troll Ironworker (WAR),
Troll Engraver(PUP)
Duplicatus Cell, Spissatus Cell, Undulatus Cell, Castellanus Cell, Virga Cell, Cumulus Cell, Radiatus Cell, Cirrocumulus Cell, Stratus Cell

2F Cell Drops (Northwest Path)
Enemies Cell
Wandering Wamoura,
Troll Ironworker (WAR),
Troll Lapidarist (DRK),
Troll Cameist (RDM),
Troll Engraver(PUP)
Opacus Cell, Spissatus Cell, Pannus Cell, Fractus Cell, Congestus Cell, Nimbus Cell, Velum Cell, Pileus Cell, Mediocris Cell
2F Cell Drops (Southwest Path)
Enemies Cell
Wandering Wamoura,
Troll Ironworker (WAR),
Troll Gemologist (PLD),
Troll Cameist (RDM),
Troll Engraver(PUP)
Duplicatus Cell, Spissatus Cell, Pannus Cell, Fractus Cell, Congestus Cell, Nimbus Cell, Velum Cell, Pileus Cell, Mediocris Cell

2F Cell Drops (East Area)
2F Cell Drops (East Central Area)
Enemies Cell
Sulfur Scorpion,
Troll Ironworker (WAR),
Troll Gemologist (PLD),
Troll Cameist (RDM),
Troll Engraver(PUP)
Incus Cell, Humilus Cell, Pannus Cell, Fractus Cell, Congestus Cell, Nimbus Cell, Velum Cell, Pileus Cell, Mediocris Cell

2F Cell Drops (Northeast Path)
Enemies Cell
Sulfur Scorpion,
Troll Ironworker (WAR),
Troll Gemologist (PLD),
Troll Cameist (RDM),
Troll Engraver(PUP)
Incus Cell, Humilus Cell, Undulatus Cell, Castellanus Cell, Virga Cell, Cumulus Cell, Radiatus Cell, Cirrocumulus Cell, Stratus Cell
2F Cell Drops (Southeast Path)
Enemies Cell
Sulfur Scorpion,
Troll Ironworker (WAR),
Troll Gemologist (PLD),
Troll Cameist (RDM),
Troll Engraver(PUP)
Incus Cell, Humilus Cell, Undulatus Cell, Castellanus Cell, Virga Cell, Cumulus Cell, Radiatus Cell, Cirrocumulus Cell, Stratus Cell

Bhaflau Remnants 2F

Central Area

Western Area

  • In the first small room the Socket has the potential to spawn. Trading up to five of the same cell will spawn Flux Flan.
    • Flux Flan will drop double the amount of cells traded to the Socket.
  • In the small rooms to the North and South of the first room there are 3 Wandering Wamoura, 3 Troll Ironworker, 3 Troll Engravers and a door. Once either of the doors is opened, the other will lock.

Northwest Path

Southwest Path

Eastern Area

Northeast Path

Southeast Path


  • Opening any door will lock the door to the opposite side of the Remnant.

Third Floor

3F Cell Drops (North Area)
Northwest Path
Enemies Cells
Troll Gemologist (PLD),
Troll Smelter (RNG),
Troll Engraver (PUP),
Troll Cameist (RDM)
Humilus Cell, Spissatus Cell, Pannus Cell,
Fractus Cell, Congestus Cell, Nimbus Cell,
Velum Cell, Pileus Cell, Mediocris Cell
Northeast Path
Enemies Cells
Troll Gemologist (PLD),
Troll Smelter (RNG),
Troll Engraver (PUP),
Troll Cameist (RDM)
Incus Cell, Undulatus Cell, Castellanus Cell,
Virga Cell, Cumulus Cell, Radiatus Cell, Cirrocumulus Cell, Stratus Cell, Opacus Cell, Humilus Cell, Spissatus Cell

North Central Area
Enemies Cells
Troll Gemologist (PLD),
Troll Smelter (RNG),
Troll Engraver (PUP),
Troll Cameist (RDM),
Troll Stoneworker (MNK)
Incus Cell, Undulatus Cell, Castellanus Cell, Virga Cell, Cumulus Cell, Radiatus Cell, Cirrocumulus Cell, Stratus Cell, Opacus Cell, Humilus Cell, Spissatus Cell

3F Cell Drops (South Area)
Southwest Path
Enemies Cells
Black Pudding Duplicatus Cell, Praecipitatio Cell,
Pannus Cell, Fractus Cell, Congestus Cell, Nimbus Cell, Velum Cell, Pileus Cell,
Mediocris Cell
Southeast Path
Enemies Cells
Black Pudding Incus Cell, Undulatus Cell, Castellanus Cell, Virga Cell, Cumulus Cell, Radiatus Cell, Cirrocumulus Cell, Stratus Cell, Duplicatus Cell,
Praecipitatio Cell

South Central Area
Enemies Cells
Troll Gemologist (PLD),
Troll Smelter (RNG),
Troll Engraver (PUP),
Troll Cameist (RDM)
Incus Cell, Duplicatus Cell, Praecipitatio Cell, Humilus Cell, Spissatus Cell

3F Cell Drops (Central Area)
Enemies Cells
Archaic Gear,
Archaic Gears
Opacus Cell, Praecipitatio Cell

Bhaflau Remnants 3F

Northern Area
Northwest Path

Northeast Path

North Central Area

Southern Area
Southwest Path

Southeast Path

South Central Area

Central Area


  • If Wind weather is present, the normal detection range for all Archaic Machinery is doubled.

Fourth Floor

4F Cell Drops
Enemies Cells
Archaic Gear Opacus Cell, Praecipitatio Cell, Mediocris Cell
Archaic Gears Opacus Cell, Praecipitatio Cell
Archaic Chariot Opacus Cell, Praecipitatio Cell

Bhaflau Remnants 4F

Both Paths


  • If Wind weather is present, the normal detection range for all Archaic Machinery is doubled.
  • Defeating the Archaic Chariot on this floor may have some effect on Long-Bowed Chariot but the exact effect is not currently known. However it is suspected that the west Archaic Chariot reduces the defense of Long-Bowed Chariot and the east reduces the attack.

Fifth Floor

Bhaflau Remnants 5F
Long Bowed Chariot

Central Area