Toji Mumosulah

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Toji Mumosulah.jpg
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Location: Kazham - (I-8)
Type: Shopkeepers
Description: One of many Vana'diel shopkeepers, carrying a variety of items. Browse merchandise below:

Item Name

Price (gil)


Yellow Jar 456
Blood Stone 95
Fang Necklace 3,510
Bone Earring 1,667
Monomi: Ichi (Scroll) 8,822
Gemshorn 4,747
Peeled Crayfish 64
Insect Ball 36
Fish Broth 82
Seedbed Soil 437
Hatchet 460
Foe Lullaby II (Scroll) 64,528
Army's Paeon III (Scroll) 3,312