Distance Correction

From FFXI Wiki

Introduced in the July 19, 2005 version update, it applies to Ranged Attack and depends on the distance between the target and the person firing the Ranged Attack. You receive a penalty to ranged damage and ranged accuracy for not being the proper distance. Also see True Shot.

Weapon Distance
Throwing ~ 3.5 Ym
Gun ~ 6.5 Ym
Short Bow ~ 8.6 Ym
Crossbow ~ 10.7 Ym
Longbow ~ 11.8 Ym


  • Ranged accuracy will no longer be determined by the distance from the target when using the ranger ability "Sharpshot." was introduced during the April 18, 2006 update. As such Sharpshot will remove the ranged accuracy penalties for distance while active.
  • Distance is approximate because the size of the creature can play a factor in the actual distance for optimal ranged attacks.
  • Log messages to indicate if you're at the proper distance were added in the Nov. 10, 2009 update, with ! and . added in for clarity. Critical and missed attack messages were not changed.
