Iriri Samariri's Hat

From FFXI Wiki
Iriri Samariri's Hat icon.png Iriri Samariri's Hat
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Description: The perfectly form-fit hat of poroggo Iriri Samariri. Tailor-made to an amphibious head, it cannot and will not adorn the typical adventurer noggin.
Image: Iriri Samariri's Hat description.png
Type: Item
Flags: Not auctionable, Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive, Rare
Stack size: 1
"Find Iriri Samariri's Hat on FFXIAH" "Find Iriri Samariri's Hat on FFXIDB"

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Monster Name Level Zone Rate Notes
Iriri Samariri Mamook Pop Trade an Samariri Corpsehair to the ??? at (F-7) to spawn.
