Weavers' Stall

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Weavers' Stall icon.png Weavers' stall
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Description: Furnishing: A stall employed by the Weavers' Guild when hawking their wares at bazaars and marketplaces.
Image: Weavers' Stall description.png
Type: Furnishing Storage: Storage Slip 19
Flags: Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive, Rare
Stack size: 1
Storage: <Element: Earth STG:20>
Aura Strength: 11
Dimensions: 6x2
Moghancement: Mega Moglification: Clothcraft
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Synergy Information
Yield Craft Requirements Rank Balance Materials

  Primary Craft:
     Clothcraft - Veteran

Adept 99 Element: Earth


Weavers' Stall appearance.png