Scars of Abyssea

From FFXI Wiki
Illistration: Jun Suemi

Second in a new set of Add-On Scenarios, released in September 2010. Unlike previous Add-On Scenarios, the Abyssea chapters are battle-oriented with powerful new NMs and HNMs.

"Power and riches beyond yer wildest dreams await ye. An' other things not quite so pleasant.

Things that aren't like t' take kindly to ye runnin' off with their spoils-or with yer life...

A crazed glint flickers across the old man's eye. Oh yes, well does he know Abyssea,
he mutters. Take him at his word, and he himself is a refugee from that sunless
Goddess-forsaken realm. A fortunate soul-if such a phrase can be used- who escaped
the clutches of the fell hoards that tore comrades and loved ones from his grasp.
Desperately he fled across the shattered, barren landscape before stumbling into the
gaping maw of darkness that led him to this realm...

Me home... it's dying. And these old bones are long past their days o' playin' hero.

But ye, young one... ye might be the salve that Abyssea needs..."

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