Template:Ergon Weapon Progress Checklist

From FFXI Wiki

USAGE: Checklist for your Ergon on your user page.

Define your Complete-Color (the color for completed requirements) and Default-Color (ones that aren't completed).

Each line should be notated with "Complete" or the number of items collected. Writing anything other than "Complete" or a number when applicable, will result in the mission line being marked as default/incomplete.

{{Ergon Weapon Progress Checklist
|Complete-Color = green
|Default-Color = black
|All Coalitions Legend= Complete

|Part I and II Bayld Obtained=0
|Ghastly Stones Obtained=0
|Gabbrath Item=
|Rockfin Item=
|Bztavian Item=
|Part III Bayld Obtained=0
|Verdigris Stones Obtained=0
|Yggdreant Item=
|Waktza Item=
|Cehuetzi Item=

|Part IV Bayld Obtained=0
|Wailing Stones Obtained= 0
|Pristine Yggrete Crystal=
|Plasm Obtained=0

|Beitetsu Obtained=0
|Galka Mask of Light=
|Detritus Obtained 119 Aug= 0