Category:Salvage/Rewards (Level 99)

From FFXI Wiki

Level 99 Salvage includes ten new sets of armor which, in addition to Alexandrite, serve as the primary rewards. Five of the new sets are upgraded versions of sets from Level 75 Salvage, while five of the sets are completely new. Note that unlike the level 75 sets, the upgraded (+1) level 99 sets have a set bonus that begins with just two equipped pieces and improves with each additional piece.

Within level 99 salvage (Remnants II) areas:

  • Level 45 components drop from a "pre-boss" NM on the second to last floor of each Remnants II area and from the final boss NM on the last floor of each Remnants II area.
  • Design plans specific to each armor set drop from all other NMs in each Remnants II area.

To craft level 99 Salvage equipment:

  • HQ Salvage Gear (+1): Created with a large number (40-50) of design plans, the original completed piece of equipment from Level 75 Salvage, the corresponding level 45 component, and 15 Imperial Gold Pieces.
  • New Salvage Gear: Created with a smaller number (10-15) of design plans, the corresponding level 45 component, and 15 Imperial Mythril Pieces.

Level 45 components may be stored on Storage Slip 14 until needed. Final crafting of gear is done by the NPC Mrohk Sahjuuli at (I-11) in Aht Urhgan Whitegate, who will also store design plans until they are needed.

Upgrade Materials at a Glance

Number of Plans Required By Equipment Piece
Equip Slot Upgraded Set All-New Set
Head 40 10
Body 50 15
Hands 45 12
Legs 45 12
Feet 40 10
Type of Plans Required By Armor Set
Armor Set Design Plans
Ares' +1 / Ker's Bloodshed Plans
Skadi's +1 / Sigyn's Umbrage Plans
Usukane +1 / Omodaka Ritualistic Plans
Marduk's +1 / Nabu's Tutelary Plans
Morrigan's +1 / Fea's Primacy Plans

Armor Sets

Ares'/Ker's Armor

Ares' Armor Set +1
Base Level 45 Component Design Plans Imperial Currency Upgraded Equipment
Ares' Mask Ate's Mask Bloodshed Plans x40 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Ares' Mask +1
Ares' Cuirass Ate's Cuirass Bloodshed Plans x50 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Ares' Cuirass +1
Ares' Gauntlets Ate's Gauntlets Bloodshed Plans x45 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Ares' Gauntlets +1
Ares' Flanchard Ate's Flanchard Bloodshed Plans x45 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Ares' Flanchard +1
Ares' Sollerets Ate's Sollerets Bloodshed Plans x40 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Ares' Sollerets +1
Ker's Armor Set
Level 45 Base Design Plans Imperial Currency Final Equipment
Ate's Mask Bloodshed Plans x10 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Ker's Mask
Ate's Cuirass Bloodshed Plans x15 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Ker's Cuirass
Ate's Gauntlets Bloodshed Plans x12 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Ker's Gauntlets
Ate's Flanchard Bloodshed Plans x12 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Ker's Flanchard
Ate's Sollerets Bloodshed Plans x10 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Ker's Sollerets
Equippable by: WAR/DRK/PLD/DRG

Skadi's/Sigyn's Attire

Skadi's Attire Set +1
Base Level 45 Component Design Plans Imperial Currency Upgraded Equipment
Skadi's Visor Idi's Mask Umbrage Plans x40 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Skadi's Visor +1
Skadi's Cuirie Idi's Jerkin Umbrage Plans x50 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Skadi's Cuirie +1
Skadi's Bazubands Idi's Gloves Umbrage Plans x45 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Skadi's Bazubands +1
Skadi's Chausses Idi's Trousers Umbrage Plans x45 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Skadi's Chausses +1
Skadi's Jambeaux Idi's Ledelsens Umbrage Plans x40 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Skadi's Jambeaux +1
Sigyn's Attire Set
Level 45 Base Design Plans Imperial Currency Final Equipment
Idi's Mask Umbrage Plans x10 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Sigyn's Visor
Idi's Jerkin Umbrage Plans x15 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Sigyn's Cuirie
Idi's Gloves Umbrage Plans x12 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Sigyn's Bazubands
Idi's Trousers Umbrage Plans x12 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Sigyn's Chausses
Idi's Ledelsens Umbrage Plans x10 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Sigyn's Jambeaux
Equippable by: THF/RNG/BST/COR/DNC/RUN

Usukane/Omodaka Armor

Usukane Armor Set +1
Base Level 45 Component Design Plans Imperial Currency Upgraded Equipment
Usukane Somen Genta Kabuto Ritualistic Plans x40 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Usukane Somen +1
Usukane Haramaki Genta Hara-Ate Ritualistic Plans x50 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Usukane Haramaki +1
Usukane Gote Genta Gote Ritualistic Plans x45 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Usukane Gote +1
Usukane Hizayoroi Genta-no-Hakama Ritualistic Plans x45 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Usukane Hizayoroi +1
Usukane Sune-Ate Genta Sune-Ate Ritualistic Plans x40 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Usukane Sune-Ate +1
Omodaka Armor Set
Level 45 Base Design Plans Imperial Currency Final Equipment
Genta Kabuto Ritualistic Plans x10 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Omodaka Somen
Genta Hara-Ate Ritualistic Plans x15 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Omodaka Haramaki
Genta Gote Ritualistic Plans x12 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Omodaka Gote
Genta-no-Hakama Ritualistic Plans x12 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Omodaka Hizayoroi
Genta Sune-Ate Ritualistic Plans x10 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Omodaka Sune-Ate
Equippable by: MNK/NIN/SAM/PUP

Marduk's/Nabu's Attire

Marduk's Attire Set +1
Base Level 45 Component Design Plans Imperial Currency Upgraded Equipment
Marduk's Tiara Namru's Tiara Tutelary Plans x40 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Marduk's Tiara +1
Marduk's Jubbah Namru's Jubbah Tutelary Plans x50 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Marduk's Jubbah +1
Marduk's Dastanas Namru's Dastanas Tutelary Plans x45 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Marduk's Dastanas +1
Marduk's Shalwar Namru's Shalwar Tutelary Plans x45 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Marduk's Shalwar +1
Marduk's Crackows Namru's Crackows Tutelary Plans x40 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Marduk's Crackows +1
Nabu's Attire Set
Level 45 Base Design Plans Imperial Currency Final Equipment
Namru's Tiara Tutelary Plans x10 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Nabu's Tiara
Namru's Jubbah Tutelary Plans x15 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Nabu's Jubbah
Namru's Dastanas Tutelary Plans x12 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Nabu's Dastanas
Namru's Shalwar Tutelary Plans x12 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Nabu's Shalwar
Namru's Crackows Tutelary Plans x10 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Nabu's Crackows
Equippable by: WHM/BRD/SMN

Morrigan's/Fea's Attire

Morrigan's Attire Set +1
Base Level 45 Component Design Plans Imperial Currency Upgraded Equipment
Morrigan's Coronal Neit's Crown Primacy Plans x40 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Morrigan's Coronal +1
Morrigan's Robe Neit's Coat Primacy Plans x50 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Morrigan's Robe +1
Morrigan's Cuffs Neit's Cuffs Primacy Plans x45 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Morrigan's Cuffs +1
Morrigan's Slops Neit's Slops Primacy Plans x45 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Morrigan's Slops +1
Morrigan's Pigaches Neit's Pigaches Primacy Plans x40 Imperial Gold Pieces x15 Morrigan's Pigaches +1
Fea's Attire Set
Level 45 Base Design Plans Imperial Currency Final Equipment
Neit's Crown Primacy Plans x10 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Fea's Coronal
Neit's Coat Primacy Plans x15 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Fea's Robe
Neit's Cuffs Primacy Plans x12 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Fea's Cuffs
Neit's Slops Primacy Plans x12 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Fea's Slops
Neit's Pigaches Primacy Plans x10 Imperial Mythril Pieces x15 Fea's Pigaches
Equippable by: BLM/RDM/BLU/SCH/GEO