Silk Cloth

From FFXI Wiki
Silk Cloth icon.png Square of silk cloth
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: Cloth woven from silk thread.
Image: Silk Cloth description.png
Type: Item
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box
Stack size: 12
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Materials ➞ Clothcraft
"Find Silk Cloth on FFXIAH" "Find Silk Cloth on FFXIDB"

Synthesis Information
Yield Requirements Ingredients

Main Craft: Clothcraft - (53)

Purchased From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Amalasanda Lower Jeuno - (J-8) 21,000 Gil

Dropped from...
Monster Name Level Zone Rate Notes
Gespenst 68 - 70 Bostaunieux Oubliette U Basement
Nachtmahr 96 - 97 Bostaunieux Oubliette R Map 2 (I-8)

Despoiled From
Monster Name Zone Notes
Revenant The Eldieme Necropolis (S) Level 68 - 70

Used in the following Quests
Quest Name Notes
The Root of the Problem Chumimi, Heavens Tower
Wizard's Petasos icon.png Wizard's Petasos
Geomancer Artifact Armor Wescolina, Western Adoulin - (H-7)
Geomancy Tunic icon.png Geomancy Tunic
The Gobbiebag Part IV Bluffnix, Lower Jeuno - (H-9)
Inventory to 50

Used to spawn the following Notorious Monsters
Monster Name Notes
Geas Fete (Tier 1) Spawns all Tier 1 Geas Fete NMs in Escha - Zi'Tah (x2 Required)

Used in the following Synthesis & Synergy Recipes
Item Main Craft Level
Airborne Mini-Alchemy.png Alchemy 73
Red Storm Lantern Mini-Alchemy.png Alchemy 79
Blue Storm Lantern Mini-Alchemy.png Alchemy 79
Green Storm Lantern Mini-Alchemy.png Alchemy 79
Yellow Storm Lantern Mini-Alchemy.png Alchemy 79
White Storm Lantern Mini-Alchemy.png Alchemy 79
Cursed Subligar Mini-Bonecraft.png Bonecraft 91
Lilac Corsage Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 44
White Slacks Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 61
Green Ribbon Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 62
White Cloak Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 63
White Cape Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 64
White Mitts Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 64
Aketon Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 65
Silk Cuffs Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 66
Silk Slops Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 67
R.K. Cloak +1 Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 68
Silk Coat Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 68
Silk Headband Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 69
Vivacity Coat Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 69
Vermillion Cloak Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 70
White Puppet Turban Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 70
Shinobi Hachigane Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 71
Silk Cuffs Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 71
Shinobi Kyahan Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 73
Silk Slacks Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 73
Jester's Cape Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 74
Silk Mitts Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 74
Shinobi Tekko Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 75
Green Beret Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 76
Silk Cloak Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 77
Shinobi Hakama Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 78
Shinobi Gi Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 80
Alacer Aketon Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 80
Arhat's Jinpachi Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 81
Blue Cape Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 81
Arhat's Sune-Ate Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 82
Devotee's Mitts Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 84
Arhat's Tekko Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 86
Noble's Tunic Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 87
Peace Cape Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 87
Bloody Aketon Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 88
Arhat's Hakama Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 88
Used in the following Synthesis & Synergy Recipes
Item Main Craft Level
Arhat's Gi Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 89
Black Cloak Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 89
Errant Hat Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 92
Rook Banner Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 92
Errant Slops Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 94
Opaline Dress Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 95
Errant Houppelande Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 96
Errant Cuffs Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 98
Argent Coat Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 100
Haruspex Cuffs Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 103
Haruspex Coat Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 109
Foppish Tunica Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 115
Clothcraft Kit 64 Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft Expert
Humpty Dumpty Mini-Cooking.png Cooking 97
Marble Bed Mini-Goldsmithing.png Goldsmithing 86
Ugol Haubert Mini-Goldsmithing.png Goldsmithing 105
Chocobo Blinkers Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 22
Corsette Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 48
Pigaches Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 71
Silk Pumps Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 76
Wise Cap Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 88
Barone Cosciales Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 90
Sipahi Jawshan Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 91
Opaline Boots Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 96
Haidate Mini-Smithing.png Smithing 62
Sune-Ate Mini-Smithing.png Smithing 64
Alumine Haubert Mini-Smithing.png Smithing 64
Kote Mini-Smithing.png Smithing 67
Hara-Ate Mini-Smithing.png Smithing 68
Haubergeon Mini-Smithing.png Smithing 69
Zunari Kabuto Mini-Smithing.png Smithing 69
Hauberk Mini-Smithing.png Smithing 89
Hachiman Jinpachi Mini-Smithing.png Smithing 92
Mokujin Mini-Woodworking.png Woodworking 41
Battle Bow Mini-Woodworking.png Woodworking 48
War Bow Mini-Woodworking.png Woodworking 58
Rapid Bow Mini-Woodworking.png Woodworking 69
Noble's Bed Mini-Woodworking.png Woodworking 78
Royal Bed Mini-Woodworking.png Woodworking 87
3-Drawer Almirah Mini-Woodworking.png Woodworking 91
6-Drawer Almirah Mini-Woodworking.png Woodworking 91
9-Drawer Almirah Mini-Woodworking.png Woodworking 91
Planus Table Mini-Woodworking.png Woodworking 110