Souls in Shadow

From FFXI Wiki
Souls in Shadow
Required Fame San d'Oria Fame Level: Unknown
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Novalmauge - Bostaunieux Oubliette (G-8)
Pack Rise of the Zilart
Title None
Repeatable No
Description Lift the curse on the scythe Novalmauge has given you and gain a new weapon technique.
Previous Quest Next Quest
None None
Scythe skill 240+, Level 71


  • Breaking the Latent
Skillchain Level Trial Points
No Skillchain 1
Level 1 2
Level 2 3
Level 3 5
  • You'll know the latent is broken when the elemental resistances listed on the Scythe of Trials description have disappeared from the elemental resistances in the equipment window. Your elemental resistances are listed underneath your equipped gear grid.
  • Unity Warp 128 to Den of Rancor is closest. You'll start on the ledge at (G-12), drop down the east side and walk a short distance southeast to (I-13) where you'll find the ???.
  • You can substantially cut down your journey by taking Den of Rancor Home Point #1 if you have already unlocked it. This will place you on the same map as the ??? described below, letting you skip the intermediate steps given in this guide.
  • Once inside the Temple, head to the first intersection and go south. At the next T-intersection, head north to another T-intersection and go north again. This will zone you into Yhoator Jungle; you will then need to head west and south directly back into the Temple of Uggalepih.
  • This time, when you enter the Temple, you will head to the first intersection and go west. Go through the Wooden Gate and continue south until you reach a T-intersection; head east here. Defeat the Temple Guardian that protects the Granite Door and head east into the large circular room. Take the hallway in the northeastern part of this room at (J-9). Use the Key Item Paintbrush of Souls to open the Granite Door at (I-7) and head into the Den of Rancor.
  • Inside the Den, head south and turn immediately to the east when the room opens up. Take the north tunnel and go east at the intersection. Head down this tunnel until it opens up into a large room. Go south through this room to (I-13); this is where the ??? is to spawn the NM.
  • Go back and speak with Novalmauge to receive your reward.