Windurst Mission 8-1

From FFXI Wiki
Series None
Starting NPC Any Windurst Gate Guard
Title Fugitive Minister Bounty Hunter
Repeatable No
Description At the request of the Aurastery,
you are to discover the
whereabouts of their former
minister who fled from his duties
several years ago.
Previous Mission Next Mission
Awakening of the Gods The Jester who'd be King
  • Rank Points


Davoi Map

Monastic Cavern Map

Trade enough Crystals to the Conquest NPC to raise your Rank bar and unlock the Mission, then accept it from the Gate Guard.

  • Talk to Moreno-Toeno in Windurst Waters (L-6) at the Aurastery (northern section, eastern building, HP#2 is closest) for a cutscene and to obtain the Key Item "Star Seeker".
  • Click the Qu'Hau Spring in Ro'Maeve (H-6) for a cutscene.
  • Go to Davoi and kill Dirtyhanded Gochakzuk NM to obtain a Curse Wand icon.png Curse Wand (G). The NM will drop 2 wands per kill, and respawns every 5 minutes.
    • If you're in a party, each player will require one.
    • The wand won't drop if you already have one. Check your storage.
    • The NM is located on the center island (H-8), so you have to go though Monastic Cavern: Enter Monastic Cavern from entrance 2 at (H-11) in Davoi → Once inside, keep going and take the exit 4 at (I-8) → From here follow the road west around the hill to a wooden elevator, pull the lever to get to the monastery building → Inside, after 2 Oak Doors, the NM will be sitting on a big "throne".
    • Quick travel options: the Proto-Waypoint to Davoi is the fastest way. Drop into the water, follow the water south-east to (J-10) to get back on land, then hug left until you reach entrance 2. The Survival Guide to Davoi is almost as fast.
  • Take the elevator back down and walk to the bridge off the center island. Do not drop down in the river or you'll have to do the walk of shame back through the cave!
  • Keep going until you reach Sedal-Godjal at (J-8). Speak to him for a cutscene. He will turn your Key Item "Star Seeker" into the Key Item Magic-drained "Star Seeker".
    • You may need to talk multiple times. This can be done before or after obtaining the Curse Wand.
  • Trade the Curse Wand to Sedal-Godjal for a cutscene.
  • Return to Moreno-Toeno for a cutscene that completes the Mission.