Category:Omen Rewards

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Completing every 5 Omen objectives, including killing bosses and any additional objectives, and every 5 zone-ins rewards players with a single Paragon Job Card, based on the current job of the player.
These job cards are used to upgrade Reforged Artifact Armor +1 to their +2 and +3 versions.
Paragon Cards
P. WAR Card icon.png Warrior CardP. WAR Card description.png P. MNK Card icon.png Monk CardP. MNK Card description.png P. WHM Card icon.png White Mage CardP. WHM Card description.png P. BLM Card icon.png Black Mage CardP. BLM Card description.png
P. RDM Card icon.png Red Mage CardP. RDM Card description.png P. THF Card icon.png Thief CardP. THF Card description.png P. PLD Card icon.png Paladin CardP. PLD Card description.png P. DRK Card icon.png Dark Knight CardP. DRK Card description.png
P. BST Card icon.png Beastmaster CardP. BST Card description.png P. BRD Card icon.png Bard CardP. BRD Card description.png P. RNG Card icon.png Ranger CardP. RNG Card description.png P. SMN Card icon.png Summoner CardP. SMN Card description.png
P. NIN Card icon.png Ninja CardP. NIN Card description.png P. DRG Card icon.png Dragoon CardP. DRG Card description.png P. SAM Card icon.png Samurai CardP. SAM Card description.png P. BLU Card icon.png Blue Mage CardP. BLU Card description.png
P. COR Card icon.png Corsair CardP. COR Card description.png P. PUP Card icon.png Puppetmaster CardP. PUP Card description.png P. DNC Card icon.png Dancer CardP. DNC Card description.png P. SCH Card icon.png Scholar CardP. SCH Card description.png
P. GEO Card icon.png Geomancer CardP. GEO Card description.png P. RUN Card icon.png Rune Fencer CardP. RUN Card description.png
Players may exchange Paragon Job Cards with Coelestrox for any other job cards at a ratio of 10:1.
You do not need to be on the job the card is for. The card choice is selected after trading.

Third Floor Empty NMs


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs NM
Adapa Shield Adapa Shield icon.png Shields DEF:126 HP+120 Shield skill +112 Chance of successful block +20 Damage taken -5% Physical damage taken: "Reprisal" WAR / DRK / BST Glassy Thinker
Nusku Shield Nusku Shield icon.png Shields DEF:80 HP+22 Ranged Accuracy+20 Ranged Attack+20 Shield skill +107 "Store TP"+3 RNG / COR Glassy Craver


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs NM
Anu Torque Anu Torque icon.png Neck DEF:10 Attack+20 "Store TP"+7 "Resist Stun"+10 MNK / RDM / THF / BST
Glassy Craver
Sherida Earring Sherida Earring icon.png Earrings STR+5 DEX+5 "Double Attack"+5% "Store TP"+5 "Subtle Blow II"+5 MNK / RDM / THF / BST / RNG / DRG / DNC / RUN Glassy Craver
Enki Strap Enki Strap icon.png Grips INT+10 MND+10 Magic Accuracy+10 Magic Evasion+10 WHM / BLM / RDM / BRD / SMN / SCH / GEO Glassy Gorger
Erra Pendant Erra Pendant icon.png Neck DEF:6 Magic Accuracy+17 Dark magic skill +10 "Absorb" effect +5% "Drain" and "Aspir" potency +5 WHM / BLM / RDM / PLD / DRK
Glassy Gorger
Kishar Ring Kishar Ring icon.png Rings Magic Accuracy+5 "Fast Cast"+4% Enfeebling magic effect duration +10% "Absorb" effect duration +10% WHM / BLM / RDM / PLD / DRK / BRD / NIN / SMN / BLU / COR / SCH / GEO / RUN Glassy Gorger
Adad Amulet Adad Amulet icon.png Neck DEF:8 HP+25 Damage taken -4% Pet: Magic Accuracy+20 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+10 BST / DRG / SMN / PUP Glassy Thinker
Knobkierrie Knobkierrie icon.png Ammo Attack+23 Weapon skill damage +6% WAR / MNK / DRK / SAM / DRG / RUN Glassy Thinker

Crafting Materials

Name Icon Related Crafting Item NM
Fulfillment Crystal Hope Crystal icon.png
Bonecraft.gif Brioso WhistleBrioso Whistle description.png
Clothcraft.gif Khoma BeltKhoma Belt description.png
Glassy Gorger
Hope Crystal Fulfillment Crystal icon.png Glassy Craver
Thought Crystal Thought Crystal icon.png Glassy Thinker

Fifth Floor Caturae NMs


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs NM
Ammurapi Shield Ammurapi Shield icon.png Shields DEF:94 HP+22 MP+58 INT+13 MND+13 Shield skill +107 Magic Accuracy+38 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+38 Enhancing magic effect duration +10% WHM / BLM / RDM / BRD / SMN / SCH / GEO Kei


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs NM
Nisroch Jerkin Nisroch Jerkin icon.png Body DEF:148 HP+91 STR+40 DEX+30 VIT+30 AGI+40 INT+30 MND+30 CHR+30 Ranged Accuracy+45 Ranged Attack+45 Evasion+90 Magic Evasion+96 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5 Haste+4% "Store TP"+7 "Resist Petrify"+90 Critical hit rate +10% "True Shot"+5 RNG / COR Fu
Ashera Harness Ashera Harness icon.png Body DEF:148 HP+182 MP+44 STR+30 DEX+40 VIT+30 AGI+30 INT+30 MND+30 CHR+40 Accuray+45 Attack+45 Ranged Accuracy+45 Evasion+90 Magic Evasion+96 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5 Haste+4% "Store TP"+10 "Resist Paralyze"+90 Damage taken -7% MNK / THF / BRD / NIN / DNC / RUN Gin
Shamash Robe Shamash Robe icon.png Body DEF:140 HP+57 MP+88 STR+30 DEX+30 VIT+30 AGI+30 INT+40 MND+40 CHR+30 Magic Accuracy+45 Evasion+50 Magic Evasion+106 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+45 "Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Enmity-10 Haste+3% "Resist Silence"+90 "Refresh"+3 Physical damage taken -10% WHM / BLM / RDM / BLU / SCH / GEO Kei
Dagon Breastplate Dagon Breast. icon.png Body DEF:155 HP+136 MP+59 STR+40 DEX+30 VIT+40 AGI+30 INT+30 MND+30 CHR+30 Accuracy+45 Attack+45 Evasion+60 Magic Evasion+86 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5 Haste+1% "Triple Attack"+5% "Subtle Blow II"+10 "Resist Slow"+90 Critical hit rate +4% WAR / PLD / DRK / SAM / DRG Kin
Udug Jacket Udug Jacket icon.png Body DEF:148 HP+114 MP+69 STR+30 DEX+30 VIT+30 AGI+30 INT+30 MND+30 CHR+30 Accuracy+45 Evasion+50 Magic Evasion+86 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5 Haste+4% "Resist Sleep"+90 Damage taken -10% Pet: Magic Accuracy+45 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+45 BST / SMN / PUP Kyou


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs NM
Niqmaddu Ring Niqmaddu Ring icon.png Rings STR+10 DEX+10 VIT+10 "Quad Attack"+3% "Subtle Blow II"+5 WAR / MNK / DRK / SAM / DRG / PUP / RUN Fu
Shulmanu Collar Shulmanu Collar icon.png Neck DEF:6 Accuracy+20 Attack+20 "Double Attack"+3% Pet: Accuracy+20 Attack+20 "Double Attack"+5% BST / DRG / SMN / PUP Fu
Dingir Ring Dingir Ring icon.png Rings AGI+10 Ranged Attack+25 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+10 "Recycle"+10 THF / RNG / NIN / COR Gin
Yamarang Yamarang icon.png Ammo Accuracy+15 Magic Accuracy+15 Evasion+15 Magic Evasion+15 "Store TP"+3 "Waltz" potency +5% THF / NIN / DNC / RUN Gin
Lugalbanda Earring Lugalbanda Earring icon.png Earrings DEF:3 Magic Evasion+10 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5 Avatar: Accuracy+15 Ranged Accuracy+15 Magic Accuracy+15 "Blood Pact" damage +10 BLM / SMN / SCH / GEO Kei
Ilabrat Ring Ilabrat Ring icon.png Rings DEF:10 HP+60 DEX+10 AGI+10 Attack+25 "Store TP"+5 MNK / WHM / RDM / THF / BST / BRD / RNG / SAM / NIN / BLU / COR / DNC / RUN Kin
Utu Grip Utu Grip icon.png Grips HP+70 Accuracy+30 Attack+30 Weapon skill DEX +10% WAR / DRK / SAM / DRG / RUN Kin
Enmerkar Earring Enmerkar Earring icon.png Earrings Pet: Accuracy+15 Magic Accuracy+15 "Store TP"+8 Damage taken -3% BST / DRG / SMN / PUP Kyou
Iskur Gorget Iskur Gorget icon.png Neck DEF:8 HP+30 Ranged Accuracy+30 Ranged Attack+30 "Store TP"+8 THF / RNG / NIN / COR Kyou


Name Icon Relevant Jobs for AF+3 Upgrade NM
Fu's Scale Fu's Scale icon.png BST / DRG / SMN / PUP Fu, Ou
Gin's Scale Gin's Scale icon.png THF / NIN / DNC / RUN Gin, Ou
Kei's Scale Kei's Scale icon.png WHM / BLM / RDM / BLU / SCH Kei, Ou
Kin's Scale Kin's Scale icon.png WAR / MNK / PLD / DRK / SAM Kin, Ou
Kyou's Scale Kyou's Scale icon.png BRD / RNG / COR / GEO Kyou, Ou

Crafting Materials

Name Icon Related Crafting Item NM
Moonbow Cloth Moonbow Cloth icon.png
Clothcraft.gif Moonbow BeltMoonbow Belt description.png
Clothcraft.gif Moonbeam CapeMoonbeam Cape description.png
Woodworking.gif WasWas description.png
Moonbow Leather Moonbow Leather icon.png
Smithing.gif BarbarityBarbarity description.png
Clothcraft.gif Moonbow BeltMoonbow Belt description.png
Moonbow Steel Moonbow Steel icon.png
Smithing.gif BarbarityBarbarity description.png
Smithing.gif DyrnwynDyrnwyn description.png
Goldsmithing.gif Enriching SwordEnriching Sword description.png
Smithing.gif Jolt CounterJolt Counter description.png
Smithing.gif Moonbeam NodowaMoonbeam Nodowa description.png
Clothcraft.gif Moonbow BeltMoonbow Belt description.png
Moonbow Stone Moonbow Stone icon.png
Woodworking.gif AmesAmes description.png
Goldsmithing.gif Enriching SwordEnriching Sword description.png
Smithing.gif Jolt CounterJolt Counter description.png
Goldsmithing.gif Moonbeam NecklaceMoonbeam Necklace description.png
Bonecraft.gif Moonbeam RingMoonbeam Ring description.png
Bonecraft.gif Moonbow WhistleMoonbow Whistle description.png
Moonbow Urushi Moonbow Urushi icon.png
Woodworking.gif AmesAmes description.png
Smithing.gif DyrnwynDyrnwyn description.png
Bonecraft.gif Moonbow WhistleMoonbow Whistle description.png
Woodworking.gif WasWas description.png

Final Floor Caturae NM


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs NM
Regal Captain's Gloves Regal Cpt. Gloves icon.png Hands DEF:116 HP+182 MP+29 STR+40 DEX+40 VIT+30 AGI+20 INT+30 MND+30 CHR+30 Accuracy+45 Evasion+41 Magic Evasion+48 "Magic Def. Bonus"+2 Haste+4% Increases the number of attacks when accuracy is lower WAR / MNK / DRK / SAM / PUP Ou
Regal Cuffs Regal Cuffs icon.png Hands DEF:86 HP+91 MP+88 STR+30 DEX+30 VIT+30 AGI+20 INT+40 MND+40 CHR+30 Magic Accuracy+45 Evasion+38 Magic Evasion+53 "Magic Def. Bonus"+2 Haste+4% "Aquaveil"+2 Magic burst accuracy+30 Enfeebling magic duration +20% WHM / BLM / RDM / SMN / BLU / SCH / GEO Ou
Regal Gauntlets Regal Gauntlets icon.png Hands DEF:126 HP+205 MP+29 STR+30 DEX+30 VIT+40 AGI+20 INT+30 MND+40 CHR+30 Accuracy+45 Evasion+41 Magic Evasion+48 "Magic Def. Bonus"+2 Haste+4% "Regen"+10 "Refresh"+1 Spell interruption rate down 10% Enhancing magic duration +20% PLD / RUN Ou
Regal Gloves Regal Gloves icon.png Hands DEF:106 HP+342 STR+30 DEX+40 VIT+30 AGI+20 INT+30 MND+30 CHR+40 Accuracy+45 Ranged Accuracy+45 Evasion+47 Magic Evasion+37 "Magic Def. Bonus"+2 Haste+4% Converts damage taken to TP Damage taken +20% THF / BST / BRD / RNG / NIN / DRG / COR / DNC Ou


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs NM
Regal Belt Regal Belt icon.png Waist DEF:12 HP+88 Damage taken -3% Avatar: Attack+20 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+10 Set (avatar only): Increases Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, and Magic Accuracy SMN Ou
Regal Earring Regal Earring icon.png Earrings MP+20 INT+10 MND+10 CHR+10 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+7 Set: Increases Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, and Magic Accuracy WHM / BLM / RDM / BRD / BLU / SCH / GEO Ou
Regal Gem Regal Gem icon.png Ammo MND+7 Magic Accuracy+15 Enfeebling magic effect +10 RDM Ou
Regal Necklace Regal Necklace icon.png Neck DEF:13 "Phantom Roll"+7 "Phantom Roll" effect duration +20 COR Ou
Regal Ring Regal Ring icon.png Rings HP+50 STR+10 DEX+10 VIT+10 AGI+10 Attack+20 Ranged Attack+20 Set: Increases Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, and Magic Accuracy WAR / MNK / THF / PLD / DRK / BST / RNG / SAM / NIN / DRG / COR / PUP / DNC / RUN Ou

Crafting Materials

Name Icon Related Crafting Item NM
Moonbow Cloth Moonbow Cloth icon.png
Clothcraft.gif Moonbow BeltMoonbow Belt description.png
Clothcraft.gif Moonbeam CapeMoonbeam Cape description.png
Woodworking.gif WasWas description.png
Moonbow Leather Moonbow Leather icon.png
Smithing.gif BarbarityBarbarity description.png
Clothcraft.gif Moonbow BeltMoonbow Belt description.png
Moonbow Steel Moonbow Steel icon.png
Smithing.gif BarbarityBarbarity description.png
Smithing.gif DyrnwynDyrnwyn description.png
Goldsmithing.gif Enriching SwordEnriching Sword description.png
Smithing.gif Jolt CounterJolt Counter description.png
Smithing.gif Moonbeam NodowaMoonbeam Nodowa description.png
Clothcraft.gif Moonbow BeltMoonbow Belt description.png
Moonbow Stone Moonbow Stone icon.png
Woodworking.gif AmesAmes description.png
Goldsmithing.gif Enriching SwordEnriching Sword description.png
Smithing.gif Jolt CounterJolt Counter description.png
Goldsmithing.gif Moonbeam NecklaceMoonbeam Necklace description.png
Bonecraft.gif Moonbeam RingMoonbeam Ring description.png
Bonecraft.gif Moonbow WhistleMoonbow Whistle description.png
Moonbow Urushi Moonbow Urushi icon.png
Woodworking.gif AmesAmes description.png
Smithing.gif DyrnwynDyrnwyn description.png
Bonecraft.gif Moonbow WhistleMoonbow Whistle description.png
Woodworking.gif WasWas description.png
Moonlight Coral Moonlight Coral icon.png
Clothcraft.gif Moonbeam CapeMoonbeam Cape description.png
Goldsmithing.gif Moonbeam NecklaceMoonbeam Necklace description.png
Smithing.gif Moonbeam NodowaMoonbeam Nodowa description.png
Bonecraft.gif Moonbeam RingMoonbeam Ring description.png