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General Notes
  • Colkhab is The Matriarch Naakual.
  • Players can only enter the Wildskeeper Reive in which Colkhab is present by possessing a Brier-proof net purchased from Dimmian and using it to pass through the ??? located at (H-6) in Ceizak Battlegrounds.
  • Can be held by a good Paladin
  • Damage taken by Colkhab is proportional to the the colonization rate of Ceizak Battlegrounds, with Colkhab taking decreased damage as the colonization rate decreases and 0 damage at very low rates.
    • Damage resistance is ignored by forms of damage that bypass shields such as Quick Draw.
  • Gains a Blink effect after utilizing any TP move.
  • Normal attacks are one of three types:
    • Bite attack - Single target damage and knockback
    • Scratch attack - Conal damage and knockback
    • Stinger attack - AoE damage and Poison (~50 HP/tick)
Type Vermin
Family Bztavian
Class NM


Listings by Zone
Zone Rewards Abilities Spells
  Ceizak Battlegrounds
     Wildskeeper Reive
Mandibular Lashing
Vespine Hurricane
Stinger Volley
Droning Whirlwind
Incisive Denouement
Incisive Apotheosis
Level Aggro Link Spawns DB HP MP DEF EVA Susceptible Resists
105-110 CheckCheck CheckCheck 1 FFXIDB Icon v3.png Question Question     Element: Ice Element: Wind
Assisted By Title Absorbs Immune
Colkhab Dethroner


Ability Y' Area Target Type Copy Image.png Condition
Mandibular Lashing Conal Player Magical Damage Element: Wind
Damage and Stun
Vespine Hurricane Conal Player Magical Damage Element: Wind
Damage, Knockback, Magic Defense Down, and Attack Down
Stinger Volley Conal Player Magical Damage Element: Wind
Damage, Paralyze, and Curse (Recovery) (5~10 sec)
Droning Whirlwind AoE Monster Magical Damage Element: Wind
Damage, Knockback, multiple Dispel.
Foe gains 50 Magic Defense, and activates aura.
Incisive Denouement 1P Player Magical Damage Element: Wind <50% HP
Severe Damage, Enmity reset, all stats down.
Incisive Apotheosis Conal Player Magical Damage Element: Wind <25% HP or active aura.
Damage, Weakness, and Enmity reset
Area: 1P, AoE, Gaze, Conal · Target: Player or Monster
Type: Physical-Magical-Breath-Buff · Element or Damage Type
Copy Image.png: Utsusemi shadows consumed (#), B Bypasses, but does not remove shadows, R Removes all shadows.

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