Tidal Talisman

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Tidal Talisman icon.png Tidal talisman
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Description: DEF:2 Enchantment: "Teleport" (Three Nations ⇒ Jeuno, Jeuno ⇔ Kazham, Selbina ⇔ Mhaura, Aht Urhgan Whitegate ⇔ Nashmau)
Image: Tidal Talisman description.png
Type: Armor Storage: Event Storage NPC
Flags: NPC tradable, Equippable, Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive, Rare
Stack size: 1
"Find Tidal Talisman on FFXIAH" "Find Tidal Talisman on FFXIDB"
Armor Information
Races: All Races Equip. Slot: Body
Level: 1
Jobs: All Jobs
Enchantment Information
Max Charges: 1 Use Delay: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 8 seconds Reuse Delay: 72000 seconds
Valid Targets: Self

Obtained From...
Campaign Code Redemption Notes
Campaign Code Code obtained from purchasing the Tidal Talisman (Merchandise). Codes expired February 28th, 2009.

Redeemed From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Festive Moogle Port San d'Oria - (J-9) Possible selection when redeeming a Mog Pell (Rainbow)
Festive Moogle Port Bastok - (J-13) Possible selection when redeeming a Mog Pell (Rainbow)
Festive Moogle Windurst Walls - (C-14) Possible selection when redeeming a Mog Pell (Rainbow)


  • Enchantment: Teleports nearby party members to the aforementioned destinations if they have visited that area before.
  • With the addition of Home Point and Survival Guide teleports everywhere, the allure of this item has faded severely.
  • The marketing page for the physical item included some great additional flavor text and lore that's not reflected in-game in any fashion.
A metallic pendant that surfaces only rarely from excavations of Olduum burial sites in the western reaches of Aht Urhgan, the talisman depicts the great sea serpent worshiped and feared by the ancients, coiled around the massive stone pillars that were said to have held up the heavens.
Scholars of prehistory in Aht Urhgan hypothesize from observation of other burial goods that this ornament was worn by high ranking diplomats in the ancient Olduum civilization. This theory is supported by several extraordinary powers confirmed by researchers, including the ability to project phantasmal robes over the wearer's body and enabling the wearer to teleport to distant lands in the blink of an eye.
  • Despite the physical item that was sold being a necklace, it is worn on the body since neck items don't cause displayed PC armor to change. The Royal Redingote that was released later clearly re-used the model and changed some aspects. The marketing lore for the physical item explains that the cloak is actually not there and projected onto the wearer.
    • The original plan for the design, according to Hiromichi Tanaka, was quite different. He asked Art Director Ryosuke Aiba to design a small pair of swim trunks with a shining pendant, similar to the outfits Japanese comedian Yoshio Kojima generally known for wearing such an outfit during the 2000s.
  • Prior to the May 2011 Version Update, the charge timer was 40 hours.
  • It was made available via the Mog Pell (Rainbow) in the November 2015 Version Update.
  • The original promotional video for the Talisman was embedded as a Flash video, which is no longer supported by most platforms. It has been re-uploaded to Youtube and is below.