
From FFXI Wiki
Job Trait Information
Description Occasionally allows Ranged Attacks without consuming ammunition.
Type Level
Tier Level Obtained Value
I RNG20, COR35 10%
II RNG35, COR65 20%
III RNG50, COR95 30%
Merit Points
Group 2 Ranks Available 5
Effect of each Rank Proc rate increases by 5% per merit level.
Job Points
Category Ammo Consumption Ranks Available 20
Effect of each Rank Increase probability of retaining ammo by 1%.


  • If this job trait activates, no ammo will be consumed.
    • Proc rate seems to cap at 90%.
    • Recycle takes place at the time of the shot, so has to be with your midshot gear to have an affect.
    • RNG with full merits will have 55% recycle rate, Arcadian Beret +1 will add another 34% capping or nearly capping recycle, which gives them the benefit of 50 TP gained per shot if Recycle is fully merited. This works even if the shot was missed, as long as recycle procs, and is often used in X-hit builds by RNG players.
    • Can activate on weapon skills.


Equipment Modifying Ability
Equipment Lvl. Slot Modifier
Frugal Cape icon.png Frugal Cape Recycle +Question%
File:Volunteer's Earring icon.png Volunteer's Earring Besieged: Recycle +Question%
Paddock Trousers icon.png Paddock Trousers Recycle +1~2%
Kappa Necklace icon.png Kappa Necklace Salvage: Recycle +Question%
Scout's Beret icon.png Scout's Beret Recycle +25%
File:Scout's Beret +1 icon.png Scout's Beret +1 Recycle +25%
Arcadian Beret icon.png Arcadian Beret Recycle +32%
AugRank.png: Ranged attacks accumulate 10 additional TP per merit level when Recycle procs (not affected by Store TP).
Arcadian Beret +1 icon.png Arcadian Beret +1 Recycle +34%
AugRank.png: Ranged attacks accumulate 10 additional TP per merit level when Recycle procs (not affected by Store TP).
Entois Trousers icon.png Entois Trousers Recycle +2~3%
Libeccio Mantle icon.png Libeccio Mantle Recycle +5%
File:Scout's Beret +2 icon.png Scout's Beret +2 Recycle +25%Question
AugRank.png: Ranged attacks accumulate 10 additional TP per merit level when Recycle procs (not affected by Store TP).
Handgonne icon.png Handgonne Recycle +Question%
Handgonne +1 icon.png Handgonne +1 Recycle +Question%
Manibozho Gloves icon.png Manibozho Gloves Recycle +10%
File:Laksamana's Frac icon.png Laksamana's Frac Recycle +15Verification Needed%
File:Laksamana's Frac +1 icon.png Laksamana's Frac +1 Recycle +15%
File:Laksamana's Frac +2 icon.png Laksamana's Frac +2 Recycle +17
File:Laksamana's Frac +3 icon.png Laksamana's Frac +3 Recycle +19%
Surcouf's Jambiya icon.png Surcouf's Jambiya Recycle +Question%
Feast Hose icon.png Feast Hose Recycle +10%
Nobility icon.png Nobility Recycle +15%
Adhemar Kecks icon.png Adhemar Kecks Recycle +15%
Adhemar Kecks +1 icon.png Adhemar Kecks +1 Recycle +16%
Dingir Ring icon.png Dingir Ring Recycle +10%
